Healers really need some help

What healing class do you play?

An experienced healer may offer some advice to help :slight_smile:

As a Disc Priest my survival consists of a lot of very strong instant-cast absorbs and a passive healing totem, one of them being available to me during a Stun.

Im sure other healers have means of survival during a stun-fear chain too.

Though at the end of the day, healers still have their limits regardless, and combinations of classes are more effective at killing us than others (ie a Rogue Mage). That’s when DPS need to know when and how to peel.

<- is my healer. still leveling, just hit 110 and been getting my butt kicked in bg’s since i could join.

I don’t wander off alone and when i’m running back from after rezzing, i’m in prowl.

To append something to this :slight_smile: … it’s not just gear for the sake of ilvl, but the secondary stats and traits you have.

Go with wild charge instead of renewal to help gain distance from any melee that may be training you. I would also spec into guardian affinity instead of balance, replace mark of the wild with thorns or cyclone and replace typhoon with a stun or mass entanglement. Work on your positioning as others have said, and you’ll be fine.

Change all those talent combos alone and you’ll see your experience in random bgs be much more postive lol.

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50% mastery wow, I’ve never seen a disc with that much. Your shields with rapture must be crazy :joy:

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Yep… usually around 160-240k Shields :slight_smile:

Also 110-140k Luminous Barrier on everyone. It’s my main opener as it gives other healers breathing room to roll out the HoTs, and shield us from melee who open up with stuns.

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Thanks for the advice, will certainly give it a try.

If anything, healers are overtuned compared to other expansions lol. Corruption/traits/essences helps them as much as it hurts.

I’m curious where the balance will end up when everyone stacks corruptions. Vers stacking can get pretty high, but your enemy will also be stacking stats and or procs.

Although the number of echoes it takes to actually stack that many + the vendor rotation is going to be a nightmare for most people. High M+ farming and I guess high rated players will be getting echoes so much faster that they’ll end up several ideal corruptions ahead of everyone else.

Edit: there’s a thread in general about getting CC cooldowns and interrupt cooldowns really low, so that might be a nightmare (haste + ineffable truth builds)

also there was this clip on general: https://clips.twitch.tv/AntsyEndearingCattleKeyboardCat guess some people are just going to fully stack corruption and one shot everyone and just ignore the downsides of going that high, I expect nerfs, maybe hard caps on every corruption (IE: no more than T3-6 depending on which corruption)

I think what’s going on is that Blizz has completely given up on pvp and just gave a bunch of classes a lot of stuns and cc so that we won’t notice the issues because we’re completely locked out of playing our class. :stuck_out_tongue:

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No they dont not at all

They tried this back in Cata. It was a disaster. If you want healers to be strong but not gods you need to make mana matter more. Beating a healer should be because you did so much damage that they needed to burn through their mana to keep their allies alive and either died to being oom or had to retreat to gain mana back. Beating a healer because you prevented them from playing their character for a long period of time is not interesting or engaging in the slightest.


sure, my point is, healer cant be the raid bosses they are right now.

From my limited experience healing BGs, yes, positioning is critical. Positioning is important for caster DPS too, but it’s different – as DPS you’re actively interacting with the battlefield, keeping close tabs on where you’re positioned relative to the group, enemies in range, etc, meaning positioning just kinda happens naturally. While I was playing a healer, I found myself having trouble splitting focus between health bars and the battlefield, which repeatedly left me standing out front casting a heal on someone because I didn’t notice the group had pulled back.

My spriest and hunter would be pretty thrilled to get their mana drains back.


Healers are better able to kill now so they also die easier. It’s not a bad trade but the problem is they don’t care about PvP at all and everyone is negatively affected by tat to some extent.

Update: my Mastery is at 69% now

Rapture and a single PW: Shield on myself can crit for over 400k. If I combine it with Luminous Barrier I can get over 550k Absorbs.

Outside of Rapture, my PW: Shields crit for around 90-100k… depending on other Mastery procs. Highest Ive seen is 150%… though generally floats at around 90-100%.

I use one WeakAura that displays how much Absorb I have left, and a second WeakAura that shows the current Absorb amount on my Target.

This is very good for determining when to reapply Shields during Rapture so as to make the most use of Mana… though generally a 250-300k Shield on everyone once is enough :slight_smile:

I can post the WeakAura codes if anyone’s interested. Not just good for Disc Priests - but for any class and spec that applies some form of Absorb on them (ie Mage Fire/Ice/Prismatic Barrier).

I hear this a lot but I guess I just don’t get it. Help me understand exactly what good positioning means.

Here’s an example - today I did a Silvershard Mines. As soon as we headed out of the gate, I let as many players run ahead of me as I could, and put HOT’s on all of them as I continued following them. Then a Rogue sapped me 3 times, then blinded me, then stunned me. By the the time I could actually start casting spells again, all my teammates were out of range and I couldn’t do anything to help them, and I couldn’t catch up to them while the Rogue was attached to my back. How could I have played that better?

Sounds like a issue with yer partners who don’t wanna peel for you. May I suggest stacking the deck?

Then you shouldn’t of left the node? Like, seriously… Rogues are suppose to be the 1v1 class of stealth. I am pretty sure a WW could of kicked yer butt with how you are describing this situation.

Ran away from node
Ran away from healer
Chased DPS
Got Rekt


If this happened it’s because you played poorly. Two ways to avoid this,…

  1. Instantly heal someone who engaged in combat first. If you’re behind and the two teams crash together in no world should a rogue get to you before your ranged cast a single instant cast on an enemy.

  2. Throw hots on everyone and then stealth in behind. Wait for the rogue to pop on someone else and then open with a rake/clone. Problem solved.

Trinket blind or kidney, your choice.