For so many dungeons in a row im getting these unreal situations from EVERY healer…They always start out being nice but since im not pulling 1 mob at a time they start crying, what am i the bad guy now?
You are the support role, SUPPORT does not mean send snarky remarks like you know everything. Does anyone agree or do we need to implement some sort of honor system for who plays in a certain space?
Your the bad guy.
This is a take that is really just all over the place.
Really wish I could dislike.
This is going to be entertaining…
Very brave decision to post on your main.
Oh wait…
Oh. It’s you.
You’re the self-important pally tank from last week’s TWing run in Mana Tombs, aren’t you? You kept rushing ahead out of my healing range, and ignoring the mob groups you aggro’d along the way to the next boss so that they would turn their attention on the rest of the group…and then silence and gank me when I tried to save our party members.
You either didn’t know what those mobs could do, or didn’t care. Now you’re here to suggest we healers should ‘know our place’, is that it?
Cute. As Southerners like to say; Bless your little heart.
No one cares about your heroic or time walking dungeons.
I cared enough about helping a guildy leveling up to offer nearly instant queue times. What do you care about?
Here, have a brownie. I promise, it’ll help with that sour disposition.
I don’t know if this would go in your favor.
But do you care enough about it to come to the forums and complain about people’s performance in said dungeons??
I cared just enough to point out the irony in a tank’s diatribe (on an alt) about ‘every healer crying and being snarky’. Which, y’know, would include Discipline priests such as yourself.
So, do you want that brownie or not? It’s still warm and gooey…
I would say that if EVERY healer is saying something it is probably a you problem. You’ll get a complaint here and there no matter what, but if it is every time you may want to evaluate what you’re doing.
Tanks who overpull without paying attention to their healers mana should just wait until blizz gives them their own team of ais to group up with.
I very seldom get complaints about the rate at which I’m pulling in leveling dungeons, but I’m always making sure I can pull what I think I and the group can handle.
It’s about finding what the group is comfortable with.
Handy interface option to see healer mana.
pay me and ill do it your way lol
Somebody did NOT make a friend in world of warcraft today.
People talk in your dungeons?
I sure do miss the ‘dislike’ button in these forums.
Sounds like a tanking issue and not a healer issue.