Healer's Macro Nightmare

Hey guys,

I’ve been trying to create this macro into one key bind, and it’s either not working, or forcing healing the target of target only. I’ll explain.

I’m looking for a macro that:

  • Casts Greater Heal on my mouseover target

  • Casts Greater Heal on my actual target

  • Modifier Alt to self cast on player

  • If I’m targeting an enemy player/NPC, it will heal the enemy’s target WITHOUT healing the target of target if they happen to be targeting an Ally.

So far I have this:

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Greater Heal; [mod:alt,@player][] Greater Heal; [@targettarget,harm,nodead][] Greater Heal;

I’ve played around with it to no avail. Either the target of target spell part doesn’t work at all, or it only forces target of target healing.


Holy crap, after about 2 hours of playing around with this idea, doing research, and posting this; I accidentally figured it out. I’m scared it’s messy, but it’s working.

/cast [mod:alt,@player] Greater Heal; [@mouseover,help,nodead] Greater Heal; [@target,help] Greater Heal; [@targettarget] Greater Heal;

I wanted a macro that:

  1. When holding alt, it heals me over all else
  2. When I mouse over a raid frame, it will heal that person without directly targeting them
  3. When I target an allied player, it will heal them without their ToT
  4. When I target an enemy, it will heal their target

Pins are your friend.

I know that you already figured it out, and EB has posted a template that meets what you want exactly (and very efficiently), but I would like to add the following that may help you in the future with other macros.

  1. Each line in a macro is evaluated left-to-right and whatever evaluates to “true” is the ability that WoW will attempt to execute.
  2. If that ability cannot be cast/used, too bad, WoW tries to use it anyways and does not look at the rest of the line. The ability will error result in the “i cannot do that right now” type of error dialogue.
  3. Options can be “or” conditions like [this][or that] or “and” conditions [this, and that]
  4. the empty brackets [] means “always true” or “attempt to cast this ability normally”. Sometimes it’s just thrown at the end to make sure the tooltip/icon looks normal. However, in the middle of your original macro the “always true” [] basically made it impossible for the targettarget to ever get looked at.
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Misread the answer. Nevermind. :slight_smile:

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