Healers in Solo Shuffle [MMR]

We are on season 3 right now in Solo Shuffle MMR, and we are still seeing healers lose MMR after going 6-0, or 5-1, or even 4-2, which makes zero sense. All you are doing is de-incentivizing healers from participating RSS. No healer in their right mind is going to queue for Solo Shuffle knowing that they have to 6-0 a lobby vs the other healer, just to (potentially) gain rating. Zero people wanna queue all day, go 6-2 or 5-1 or 4-2, gain rating and MMR for a few hours, then go 3-3 against some 1300 healer as 2200 a MMR healer and then lose their entire progress because they went 3-3 against a lower healer because some DPS threw and went 0-6. Make healer MMR the same as DPS at this point, we do not see any other reason to not do it at this point.

Healers will even lose MMR, potentially rating because they are paired against an inferior healer. I get that DPS times are high. But maybe give these healers an option like “You only stand to lose MMR from not winning this series.” Which I get hurts the entire system, but why would any healer ever accept a queue knowing that if they try their hardest and go 6-0/5-1/4-2 and will lose rating, potentially MMR, why would they ever accept the queue in the first place? These queues shouldn’t even exist in the first place. Find people are a close MMR, it makes no sense for DPS to be paired against an 800 MMR disparity.

The queue times start with healers not wanting to play, correct the issue on that end, and you might see queue times start to drop. Nobody will play if they know they have nothing to gain, and everything to lose just by going positive.


I am sure there are reworks for this that healers want known, so I am going to reserve this first slot of the CC post for the replies I hope to get. Either on Twitter or through the WoW forums in another way; hopefully through the forums, because it is so much easier and more visable to quote through the WoW forums that it is on Twitter.

So, if anyone else see this that isn’t in the Community Council, this post and anything else required after this, is saved for your thoughts and ideas, let’s hear it: