Healers in shadowlands

Why can’t everything be fun at the same time?

No healer dies in the opener, equally skilled 3v3 matches go into dampening and generally last 10-15m. It’s really boring and almost as bad as BFA - the issue is that healers heal too much and constantly LOH every single cast. Then you have things like NS regrowth that is a 200% LOH every minute.

Not sure what game your playing. Healers died in the opener in BFA also wasn’t talking about equally skilled at tournament level rank 1. Just in general. In SL it’s going to be pretty easy to global someone in the opener. Especially if we get some anticipated Triple Dps teams up at high ratings again.

SL is way faster paced with a learning curve due to not knowing about everyone’s borrowed power (leggo,conduit,soulbind combo) that can chunk your HP. I expect the first season everyone will be googling what just globaled me or threads about it. Then in season 2+ it will get faster paced as higher rank conduits then Tier sets, multiple legendaries are implemented.

Nope 10char

Are you okay, dude?

The problem is hands down not healers, it’s self healing and shields, etc. Damage doesn’t stick anymore. You used to take damage and without your healer healing you whatever % you got to, you stayed at unless you were a hybrid who CASTED heals into yourself. You can’t blame healers for classes having too much sustain, the more sustain classes get the more damage healers need to be able to do while healing less, and the more CC is needed to land kill. It’s all a result of diablo devs making the single player experience within an MMO where your supposed to be playing with other people and not by yourself.