Healers in shadowlands

What looks to be the top healers in Sl

Prot pally


The Healer that doesn’t die in the opener.

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druid and priest will be the best with tuning that allows the lowest skillfloor

rsham will have it’s place with good players

mw will do well into wizard teams and bad into rogue mage

hpal sucks


I would disagree with this. They’re not the best, but I don’t think they’re the worst.

Hpal and druid will probably be best, they counter sub rogues the best

If rdruid hots healed for 100k a tick it would still be more difficult to play than hpal.

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hpal deserves to be bad for an entire expansion after 3x hojing a target back to back for 3/4th’s of a season and 24/7 wings


Hpal is the worst healer. We’ll see if covenants fix that but right now it’s just very incomplete and mana inefficient

as opposed to every other healer that was broken for at least a season?

Don’t worry Ion plays a Hpal they’ll be buffed

its hpalas turn to be garbage, they had their ineffable fun

ppl seem to have very short memories in this thread, every healer at some point was overtuned in bfa. although i agree that inef hpal was probably the most egregious

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Druid/disc seem strongest.

Mistweaver could be strong depending on tuning and fit into melee cleaves vs high damage well.

Rsham seems like it’ll be pretty solid with the recent buff to heals.

Hpal no idea doesn’t seem that great but people haven’t adjusted yet I’ve already seen them doing better playing melee wings which is also great against spread pressure

Druid always good. Even when they aren’t the best, they are average-above average at their worst. They are always desirable, in an out of pvp.

Mistweaver are good passive healers. It’s far too dangerous to firstweave in PvP, but their ST healing in pvp is absolutely nutty. Barring immaculate cc chains, games against MW usually need to dampen before you can beat them (or run them OOM).

Rsham is always good due to the kit, dispels, healer interrupt, etc. Their only weakness now is lack of pack spirit. Training the shaman will be go to due to weak defensives, but with proper peel they will be a very powerful healer. Decently easy to play, but hard to master/very high skill ceiling due to all the potential they have in the kit.

Disc amazing right now, likely will get nerfed as it did start of BfA, but they will still be good in high aggro/bursty comps thanks to Dark Archangel and their strong damage. If you want some high-paced high adrenaline games this is the healer for you.

Holy Priest is meh. It’s receiving a lot of love now but honestly it needs a lot more. Lack of Gheal crutch will hurt their 2’s, and disc just generally seems better at all times. Can’t be too harsh though since as a priest, you always have access to both these specs so you can just switch so always a plus.

Holy Paladin is rough. They recently buffed Divine Favor to do what Holy Light used to do (be fast-cast) because well… they NEED it to be for PvP. Their kit is still good, but ineffable loss hurts a ton and the new rework seems pve orientated not pvp. Also warriors get to destroy your bubble now, directly reducing its effectiveness against a larger range of comps.

TLDR; Every healer good in the right comps, but if I had to tier them I will below, Holy Priest would be under Hpal but tbh I give them extra points for being able to switch to disc whenever they want lol.

  1. Disc (pre-inevitable nerf) = Resto Druid
  2. Disc (post-inevitable nerf) = Mistweaver Monk
  3. Resto Shaman
  4. Holy Priest
  5. Holy Paladin

[Based on some arenas/bg in prepatch , betatest and streams I follow] [Obviously may change since SL doesn’t even have release date…]

ion plays rsham dork

rdruid deserves to be bad for an entire expansion after having a 2 charge LoH on a 20 second cd all of bfa

mw deserves to be bad for an entire expansion after 45 second cocoon and unlimited mana vs any team with a magic dot

rsham deserves to be bad an entire expansion after dread earthen wall being a team wide divine shield
then ANOTHER entire expansion for packspirit

disc deserves to be bad an entire expansion for how disgusting they were in corrupted with 70% versatility
add an extra season for every disc main that didn’t think disc was the very best healer in 2’s by a disgusting margin or that rmpriest wasn’t hands down twice as good as any other comp in the game on ladder

guess it’s holy priests time to be the only viable healer
WAIT i still haven’t forgiven them for legion season 4 and 2’s so they cant be good either because i’m an idiot that also sucks at that game and anything that’s ever had a stupid mechanic CANT be playable again haha !1!11!

You obviously weren’t around for the last half of Cata…rdruid was literally trash tier lol.

True, rough time for Rdruid, but end of cata was mostly rmp/rls just destroying arenas with trinkets/legendaries.
But hey MoP was a great time for rdruid, miss those days.

mw still died, rdruids still oom’d, anyone would prefer riptide spam and earthen rsham/packspirit than face an 8.3 hpal, disc in 2s who cares, and rmpala was almost always better and re*ard friendly than priest variant, literally not an argument. destroyed by FACTS and LOGIC

yeah to frostdk cleaves almost exclusively
then rogue mage if they weren’t qing with a dh/dk/destro or their dh/dk/destro sucked

i have never seen a rdruid/destro/x oom to a non spriest team in my life

i could name 50 awful rshams that played dhdk that you wouldn’t be able to recognize as awful and it was nearly impossible for them to lose to non rmx teams

at least the awful paladins that abused ineffable looked awful and could still lose games to how bad they were occasionally

assuming priest was so significantly harder and less forgiving is a common misconception among low/bad players

paladin was absolutely disgusting
and the lower/worse the player you are the more challenging and frustrating it felt

but practically every healer over the course of bfa has been capable of forcing fulltilt via stupid mechanics

bfa was REALLY bad
ineffable was easily hands down the worst thing they’ve put in this game
BUT you’re an idiot if you think any healer in corrupted or druid prior to corrupted was immune to almost ineffable tier mechanical design

ironically this is the most feelings fueled keyboard smack in the whole thread