Healers ? Hello ? Incorporeal?

Guessing that this happened while an add was up and the healer didn’t have a spare GCD for CC with all the rot damage happening.

I know healing is tough but everyone got a job to do in high keys.

Tanks need to handle route, tanking and interupt.

Heals need to handle healing and mechanics. Explosives is gone so now it’s Incorporal.

Dps got to meet dps checks and perform our rotation.

This is why the Healer leaves the Key

ZugZug mentality. Do your stuff or don’t do high keys.

Yeah. Hibernate only effects one at a time.
The healers doing their part.

Question is as a hunter why didn’t you already have a frost trap under one? Sounds like the one failing is you.

Especially since apparently BM is bottom of the DPS so you may as well be useful and CC the other add. This affix affects all so all should be cc’ing it. Lol

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Yes it is. It takes a global to deal with. If you are that bad at dps that spending a global ruins a run, you should try out another class or role.


Easy enough to put an ice trap down at the beginning of the spawn and scare beast the 2nd when it spawns. So although everyone in the grp can cc them some don’t. I want my healer to heal and if an incorporeal is too far away from me someone else gets it. Easy peasy. I’ll take Incorporeal over explosives any day.

Seriously? DO you not understand cool downs? I’m a Rsham healer. I can hex one incorp. 15 seconds later when hex is off cool down… So yea, I can only deal with one out of two. Someone else has to get the other one. If everyone is on the verge of dying due to massive Boss AOE, should I use my globals to keep everyone alive or let everyone die and pay attention to the incorp? Seems to me its a team effort to deal with affixes. But hey, you do you.

Sounds like 4 other people missed it as well. You should have got it.

They gonna be whining during afflicted, lol. All them classes out there that have curse/disease/poison dispels gonna need to be helping the healer, otherwise it’s gonna get very questionable during some of the big damage windows if afflicted spawns at the same time.


Glad that Hunter have none !!! :smiley:

Yup! It’ll be a great week to not invite hunters to keys since they won’t be able to contribute. :slight_smile:

Nice to know someone knows their druid.

You might want to read some actual information about what is causing the uproar. It’s often straight up pornography, illustrated. And they aren’t being banned, just moved to appropriate places.

A teacher is under investigation for showing a cartoon movie that merely had a LGBTQA+ character in it. No pornography.

A teacher was investigated for him merely saying “I will be missing next week due to being on a honeymoon with my husband”

We are opting to defund the public library system because they will not BAN these books in many areas.

So no. You are wrong in every way possible.


Provide some links?

No difference. We don’t get invited anyway cuz our specs are underperforming

Which is better? Missing a global to stop a group wide damage done and healing done debuff so your healer can power through the incoming boss damage, or expecting your healer to stop casting when the tank buster is going off so you can tank the floor?

I’ll give you a hint; its not the second one.

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bro are u dense? depending on the key it’s SOOO hard to get them. With how crazy the 2nd boss in VP is /constant damage/movement maybe you should be asking your DPS why they aren’t helping the healer?

Post on your main before talking crap…we’d all really love to see.