Healers feel like quitting sometimes?

I’ve been maining MW lately but constantly getting one shotted sometimes. Versatility means nothing against certain classes like Ret (Wings)/DH (Hunt)/ etc. Any other healer having issues healing this expansion in arenas? Feel like quitting all together.

Just play the proper talents and practice positioning, you should pretty much be able to never die easily to melee if you do that.

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Save your cocoon for every “wings”. Mistweaver is great. You have to juke kicks. Big time.

I play proper mechanics and positioning. Every class now has some type of mobility to catch up so porting is useless. Wings/WW monk dmg is insane. Or DH/WW or DH/Ret. I know I’m not the only healer hating this expansion when most classes have a one shot cd.


No one is saying you aren’t going to die sometimes, but if you’re playing properly then you can avoid dying alot on your own.

I’m not quitting, but I get where you’re coming from. I don’t even really care about the CR loss, or losing games really, I mostly get frustrated because every time I lose a game where I could have played better I’m wasting someone else’s time. lol Even if they’re cool about it, it still sucks to watch someone fail because I’m in the wrong spot, or don’t know when the enemy team’s goes are coming and get caught off guard, waste something I should have sat on, etc.

All I can really say is there’s a galaxy of healers with higher rating than I am, so I can’t blame the game for my lack of ability–even if it is a very challenging meta. I think the willingness to accept I need to play better is probably my best quality right now, though. Someday I’ll queue into the same people who wiped by mug all this season and do all the right stuff, then they can get annoyed instead for a change. lol Same will happen for you, we just gotta keep at it. <3


Your mindset is admirable my dude.

Queue again tonight.


I think it’s an age thing, tbh. I used to drop kick folding chairs and other goofy stuff when I would lose at sports growing up. The older I get, the more humble I get. lol But yeah man, I’m game.


not rly into windwalker and that’s the big problem

This game became more fun the older I got. When you care less, and treat it for what it is, suddenly the stress of arena dissipates.

Healers have it rough though. Respect to you for grinding it out.

It’s too bad that we’re on opposite schedules, it’d be fun to play.


You ever decide to take the plunge, I’ll have a toon waiting on ya. :smiley:

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10-4. Still got you on my friends list.

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Don’t forget ferals with Convoke doing 21-30k dmg lol

Watching my partner die to a 23k Execute crit sometimes gets on my nerve, ngl.

Yes. “Oh you have two melee running you down? Hopefully you have a global to dispel this shackle! Oh you did? Well here’s another one! Still alive? Guess what’s coming next!”

Unrelated: sub runs out in 6 days.

I feel this. It’s very hard not to tilt sometimes haha. Went on a 4 win streak to 1738 then finished the que session at 1654 or something. Guess need to stop looking at CR haha

You ran double Necro tsg tho

dont listen to this guy hes clueless

Due to the mana nerfs to Hpal, it honestly doesn’t even feel worth my time to queue.

Legit can’t queue any high rated 2s as 99% of the games, I’ll go oom while the enemy druid/shaman are at 70%+ mana.

Real damper this season. :frowning:

Paladins and Monks also feel doubly bad, because every healer has the ability to heal relatively competitively. (With most hybrids being able to keep up as well.)

Without offering anything else to the team’s toolkit, outside of “standard healing” you feel pretty useless.

Mindgames and Dispel are extremely useful tools.
Earth Ele, Purge, Grounding, Skyfury, etc are extremely useful tools.
The strength of Druid heals and their 3 different DRs of CC are extremely useful…

Ok? Still bad for the game.