Healers are broken in 2s

Double dps comps in 2s are worthless when it comes to 2s arena when the enemy team has a healer. That is, unless you play something like rogue mage. Healers easily out dps 2 damage dealers this patch. I don’t even know if making dampening only effect the healer would be a meaningful change either. Not sure what happened this patch but healers are impossible to kill 2v2 with double dps.


have you tried doing more damage


That’s where you’re going wrong. Don’t try to kill the healer first, CC them. Kill their friend.

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You mean as a healer pops a defensive reducing dmg by 40-80% making it so the double dps is doing 40k dps to them as they are healing for 80k? Or how about when dps is popping their dps cooldowns and their dps is popping a defensive which the double dps cooldowns? Oh wait, the healer will constantly heal for 60-80k dps while the double dps defensives are nerfed by 20% right off the bat because of dampening.

Or how about if the enemy team has a resto druid where they put their hots on themselves and their teammate doing 40k hps on both of them and IF you are doing more dmg to them they get in tree form for 20 seconds which basically keeps the team alive like it’s nothing?

Something needs to be done with 2s because healers are just way too strong.

It’s a “you” issue. Plain and simple.


Except, it’s not. It’s the healer imbalance in 2v2 arena.

Looking at drustvar . c o m in the top 5000 players in 2v2, 2200 of those players are healers. Meaning 44% of the top 2v2 classes are healers with 780 being disc and 682 being resto druid. If 44% of the top classes are healers, then that means 44% of them would also be a teammate of healer. That leaves 12% of the top being composed of a double dps comp.

So no, it isn’t a “me” problem, but instead its a problem with the game mode. Healers should be unable to play 2v2, especially since you can’t even get all the pvp rewards in 2s. Let them play 3v3 and solo shuffle and leave 2s to the double dps comps.

I wouldn’t say that it is an only you problem. There are plenty of DPS who don’t know how to CC a healer.

They’re usually on my team.


Let’s suppose you are fighting a healer priest. You cc their healer with multiple stuns and have them in cc for 7 seconds and you get the dps down to like 5% - the healer gets out of cc and does life swap and then does massive bubble on themselves. Welp, there goes that.

Let’s suppose you are fighting a resto druid. The druid puts hots on himself and the dps - you cc the druid for 7 seconds. While stunned, the hots are doing 40k hps - typically a good dps is doing what, 70k dps in arena? Let’s suppose both are doing 70k dps. 70 + 70 = 140, take away that 40k hps and you have 100k dps. With 900k life pools that leaves 200k hp when the druid is out of cc. Then he pops tree form and everything is negated.

Now let’s suppose you are fighting a healer monk. You cc the healer for 7 seconds and get the dps down to 5%. Monk gets out and life coccoons which is a 800k bubble and gives him plenty of time to heal up.

What if you are fighting a pally? Either a) he bubbles during it or b) when he gets out he does lay on hands then whatever other normal heals.

The only way you are able to play double dps in 2s vs a healer is if you have multiple types of cc. Fear + stuns or stuns + incap or stuns + blanket silence, etc. Fighting healer comps requires specific double dps comps to be able to have an actual chance to constantly pose a threat vs the healer comp.

Want to play with a buddy in 2s and you both play a class that has stuns as their main cc? Sorry, without different types of ccs you will lose vs healers unless they massively screw up.


Is this your first season doing 2s? DPS/Healer has almost always been the way outside of a few DPS/DPS comps like Rogue/Mage.

Okay. Say they remove healers. Then the next thread you will make is hybrids shouldn’t be allowed in arena or R/M is too strong. Stop complaining. They’re not going to remove healers from 2s considering it’s been allowed since its inception. Be realistic. What a waste of your own personal time. Logoff and go spend time with your family. Pray to whatever higher power you believe in and ask for forgiveness for this thread.


So true, nerf both classes until they’re unplayable.

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Have you ever considered getting good at cross CC, or just playing Healer/DPS like the other 99.9% of players who aren’t delusional enough to think they can mongo to victory every game?

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It sucks to say, but you’ll have better luck quitting and finding another game that you enjoy before Blizzard manages to make the game better at all. Whenever they “Fix” one thing, they’ll break several other things.

Also, the PvP community is as toxic as it can be, as its full of people hard on the copium, who are miserable, because they’re fully aware that the game they played all their lives is dying a slow and pathetic death.

2s is a garbage bracket, but I can understand the appeal as it’s much less chaotic than 3s. And it would indeed be nice if healers were banned, as it would most likely result in a higher comp diversity, until the nerds figure out which comp is best. So I don’t know if it’s the solution either. Some of the extremely overpowered classes would simply end up dominating matches with PvE.

Something like double unholy DK would be vile.

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try wotlk arena, double dps is way stronger there


While I understand that you want to have fun I don’t think blizzard has ever necessarily meant for double dps 2s to be viable

In fact we can take from their past statements that the only “balance” they’ve ever chased is in rated 3s. Everything else is an afterthought

Therefore healers have to be balanced to heal through two characters dps

OP, unfortunately everyone disagreeing with you and being salty has never done double DPS above 96 rating. Even the low dps healers like evokers are criting me for 250k + flames.

Trolls on here simply haven’t don’t any 2s at any non bot rating. And trust me if they say they have they are just lying.

It’s been a struggle pushing past 1850 as double DPS, healers definitely do an insane amount of damage cc nerfs from a while back make it extremely hard to reset and I doubt it will ever get fixed as they like to balance arena around 3s but you are simply right.

Healer DPS vs healer DPS in 2s is mongo to victory. Zugzug button mashing until dampening with 0 strats and many mistakes. Double DPS has a MASSIVELY higher skill ceiling in 2s as the smallest mistake you make = loss

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Its not that healers are OP its that double DPS in 2’s is much harder than running with a healer… that’s always been the case…


Healer/dps mirror 2s is the most boring PvP content out there. If not for rating and its incentives nobody would subject themselves to that.

Add it to the pile of evidence that healers are a disease.