Damage is so extreme that healing does nothing. I dont get why anyone roles heals. Your basically useless to us.
are there even full healers in PvP? I always thought people just pick n match what they need which means strong offense with some healing gimicks
coudlnt agree more.
The damage is off the chains right now. Healing just doesnt scale as well as damage, and at least for priest, the PVP gear has no crit. All classes get dot crits, yet healers dont get HOT crits? not balanced at all.
IMO, You are better off just taking a high dps range class over a dedicated healer. The devs have given up on SOD but if I were them, I’d boost healing in BG by un nerfing the healing reductions in BGs and tweaking the runes to do more +healing
I completely gave up on my priest hitting rank 14 its just too frustrating trying to heal, and just got rank 14 on the balance druid, which is completely OP. Spriest is good in pvp but only with the AQ/BWL gear. the pvp gear sucks donkey. (no crit)
You are not wrong. I am a healer as my main spec, but when I do PvP the healing I do makes no difference I either play shockadin or ret where I can make more of a difference.
Tell that to anyone who doesn’t suck at healing.
Pushing power word shield and pom is too frustrating? Lmao.
What a ridiculous post. Ever try doing Blood Moon without a healer?
What are you smoking?