Healers and defense cd

I think tree form, barkskin and such are very nice.

Trust me a h pally will survive way better than a h priest.

The monk died because he didn’t heal everyone. But yes defensives help.

The other healers have it better in m+ it’s a fact.

I’m not saying a defensive cd will make YOU feel better, I’m saying it makes my life easier.

But not that I’m going to be stupid and eat mechanics.

Keep doing mechanics.

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Okay lets talk about that boss specifically Overseer Korgus has an ability that damages you and puts a debuff on you, outside of having an immunity for the second hit you’ll die regardless hence having people take the hits for you , there is even a weakaura dedicated to that ability to call out.

So if you are taking more than one hit while having that debuff and aren’t someone that has an immunity (i.e. Paladin) then ya you’re gunna die, so back to what I was saying about paying attention to your avoidable damage…

Back to you reading

Exactly. This encounter is a particularly good example of the necessity for all five team members to know how a fight works. Every DPS with a defensive should use it when he’s got the gold on. Every healer should be placing HoTs or defensives or extra heals on the gold spit member. Every member of the group should be dodging tornadoes and CC’ing the gold blob adds (that includes the healer).

Where priests are missing direct self defensives, they have healing abilities the other classes don’t. Disc healers have marvelous defensives, and Holy has powerful single-target heals. Monks have a great personal defensive and a bubble they can place on others alongside hots and some powerful single-target abilities. Druids have a decent castable defensive, a wide array of hots, and a wide array of personal defensives, but very weak single-target healing. That…is balance. Restoration druids have a healing playstyle and a utility kit that makes them uniquely user-friendly in M+, but they suffer in raid healing when compared to several other healer classes.

And that…is balanced.

well, by WoW standards, it’s sorta kinda tuned to acknowledge a need for balance, anyway.

That is because tryhard trickle down mentality. If the “best” players say something is bad, this community treats it like the gospel truth and that it must mean they need to adopt this too.

I’ve had healers of all sorts in my runs and the only healer I am leery with is disc priests because I know most can’t actually play it well enough. I don’t care what people pushing 20+ keys do/want. Any spec is viable enough for 15-17 to time.

That said, I am pretty sure holy priest suffers for the same reason locs are considered the “worst” mythic+…their lack of utility (for locs it is baseline interrupt)…my most successful keys are with healers also doing damage and holy priest is not known for their high DPS…it’s no wonder why glimmeradins and resto kitties shine here.


I want to take you seriously and try to help but if you’re going to just keep editing you comments to try and change what people are saying to you, then I want no part in this.

However Dead eye is avoidable by letting someone else take the hit for you. By all means edit your msgs again and try to make others look that they aren’t trying to help you figure out why you’re trash.

I linked a comment, showing you I talked about the thing you were trying to educate me on.

You obviously didn’t read it.

It helps to read if you’re trying to help.
So no you didn’t help me.

And yes calling people trash amazing comeback dude.

I don’t think someone who can time high keys is trash but ok

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w/e dude I’m not wasting my time on someone that doesn’t actually want help.

Holy priests are fine, you’re bad.


2.2k isn’t all that great tbh, you can legit pay for that IO, so get over yourself.

I don’t think anyone is denying that Holy has subpar DPS. However, even for a +15, no healer needs to DPS to complete the key. You can easily time any +15 if you just do mechanics and avoid avoidable damage like you’re supposed to.

Healers in WoW are not designed around doing DPS. More DPS always helps of course, and I DPS whenever I find there’s downtime, but healers are not expected to DPS in all but the absolute bleeding-edge content (Which in M+ becomes required since M+ infinitely scales).

If healers were required to dual-role, then you would see this in both the leveling process and in leveling dungeons, since that’s where you learn proper rotation, and mechanics would be introduced to accentuate healers DPSing.


I would argue strongly a DPS is not to burn their defensive(s) on spit on principal. The healer should more than capable of keeping them alive. Your defensive should be used to actually save your life for if/when things get out of hand.

Like if someone doesn’t take their spit to the designated dropoff area and the tank is forced to kite and not doing so well HP wise…that is when the DPS should be popping things to survive so the healer can go deal with the tank. If things are going otherwise more or less as they should be, your healer should be more than capable of focusing on the spit target and tank no matter what healer it is.

The issue about classes defense become very apparent in extremely high keys.

Its hard to see for us but notice how the best mythic plus classes (rogue, mage, hunter, DH, hpal all have immunities/great defensive)


Lmao I’m not bad dude, I asked for a defense?

That makes me bad now?

Lol my bad

Your logic is :woman_facepalming:


Druids and pallies have the freedom of movement and almost never need to turret in order to be effective. As a resto druid, the ease of use comes from my ability to literally run in circles if I want to and still manage to heal at nearly full capacity. I only have to stand still for channelling tranquility or an on-use essence ability. The rest of the time, I have complete freedom of movement while healing.

This is the key factor that makes restoration druid easier to play in the lower and middle keys than every other healing class. There is a lower skill cap for a restoration druid than for – say – a restoration shaman in M+.

In higher keys, the druid toolkit with stealth and vortex and typhoon, etc…become crucial, as well, but for the average player, druid is simply easier to be effective than a priest.

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You want castable defense? Like your heals?

Pretty sure all classes have some sort of “Reduces damage by 30-50%” or “Increase health by X amount” or “Create a shield absorbing Y Amount” ability.

Holy priests don’t have such ability, we only have passive abilities

dude you think you can’t avoid Dead eye, of course you’re bad, that’s a simple mechanic that can be avoided. gtfo

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I never said you couldn’t lmao, how about you read and gtfo

Do I have to link it again?

this clown is asking for it I swear

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You don’t have Desperate Prayer, Divine Hymn or Guardian Spirit?

Those aren’t defensives

The reason your lacking defense cd is because you’ll be above god mode in pvp, as your already unkillable in 1v1 pvp with infinite heals and practically no mana costs and need 4 people to kill you. Adding a defensive would make you a god.