HEALER/DPS Looking for Guild (18 years experience)

Hi guys. :slight_smile:

I am looking for a guild to join to raid with in TWW. I’ve had the same main for 18 years. I am a Resto Druid but can play any Druid spec. I also have a variety of alts. Looking to mainly play my Druid, Mage and Shaman in TWW. Must be LGBTQ friendly.

Note due to personal commitments I haven’t raided since Legion. I’ve been mainly a PVP player. So… PVP is a bonus. :wink:
Thanks guys. Much love.

Hey V

Loving the older veteran players!

Shoot me a message

Discord, feli00368

Much love …. Another long term veteran….

Scarab Lord Feli x


Hey Voyage,

Catt here.

You are welcome to check us out at Secret Agenda

We are definitely LGBTQIA+ friendly, half our team is rainbow. We are looking for dps/healers so we can switch around as we progress.

If you’d like to check us out, you can reach out to me on Bnet at Catnip#11771 or discord is cattn1p - the guild link ID is pFxdegFSBW

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Check out our recruitment page:

Let me know if that interests you - PM me in bnet or disc, details in the page!

