Healer Tier List?

Whats you’re healer tier list at the moment in 3s?

Personally, its been bad, no sign of resto shaman/rdruid/holy priest buffs that could freshen up the meta.

S: holy paladin, disc priest
A: evoker, MW monk
B: rshaman, rdruid
C: Holy Priest

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Disc and resto sham at the top. Holy paladin great in 3s but weak in 2s.

Not true! Hpal is really good in 2s

For high rating it’s like:

S: hpal disc pres mw
A: rdruid
B: rsham hpriest

For low-medium rating it’s like:
S: hpal
A: mw pres disc
B: hpriest rsham
C: rdruid

Pros basically say its disc then hpal in 3s and thats the only viable ones in high end play.

I think after all the changes it doesnt feel like any healer is head and shoulders over another anymore.

Some healers need specific comps over others, but assuming they have ideal comps id say it’s something like:

A: hpal, disc, pres
B: druid, sham, mw, hpriest

But they’re all pretty close. I think druid could use mana buffs and hpriest could have RoH unnerfed, but other than that I think everything is good/competitive and more influenced by the dps meta than actual healing balance.