Healer raid trinkets

Am I correct in seeing that there isn’t a healer raid trinket this tier? That holy and disc bis is a trinket that everyone can use? (Str, agi, int)

Oh I see the bis lists changed and there is one now. Phew. But man that eye is going to be sought after by so many.

expect trinket tuning at some point, but yeah currently the eye is too juiced

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Mister Pick-Me-Up is a healer raid trinket.

Yea I see that. The lists changed multiple times and right before launch it was added to a lot of healers BiS list. Trying to see what to aim for but really seems like everyone and their puppy dog is going for the Eye.

Of course we’re all going for the eye. It’s significant amounts of primary stat, some Mastery, AND a healing effect!

I’m probably going to go for the eye and the Moxi Jug critical strike thingy.

If you raid weekly with a guild, I have a feeling that we’ll eventually end up looting the healing trinket.

I got the Gallagio Bottle Service and I’m actually really liking it. It functions as a respectable mini raid cooldown - being able to burst group heal on demand can be extremely useful while sustained HPS isn’t an issue. As far as on-use trinkets are concerned, this is definitely up there for me. And the tuxedo you wear while casting it is just the cherry on top.

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I main Shadow so my plan is Jug and Eye for Disc

Would Reverb Radio be better for Shadow?

Oh my goodness, I love this!!! I was wondering what the animation was and that sounds so fun! Will keep an eye out for that one too now.