Healer mmr change reverted for solo shuff just to reduce q times, no mention of anything else lmao

Who wants to take bets that they are doing this because behind closed doors they know rated BGB is going to kill RSS anyway so they are ensuring the numbers stay low so people are mentally prepared


They’re missing the elephant in the room

Ah I noticed this, on my DH it was a 2460mmr lobby and our healers were 2300.

What kind of response is that worthless 3 lines of sentences strung together for no real purpose.

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We are forsaken. :dracthyr_a1:


we are lost

Just gotta open up the flood gates of accessibility, let people roll whatever they want at max level with max gear, you’d probably at least get at the very minimum more people trying to heal and who knows some may like it

The community council member wrote a lengthy post with multiple items that need to be addressed.

Blizzard responded to one concern.

They are making balance changes to Season of Discovery tomorrow…

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wont do anything, que will still be long for dps

And your delusion about RSS is just as otherworldly friend

I’ll be sure to gloat when I’m right come TWW

I won’t touch arena again when rated solo BGs are a thing


Yeah all this change does is reduce queue times for the top 1% while increasing queue times for everyone in the bracket below because now their healers are being shared with the bracket above as well. Not sure how the healers being put into higher mmr games feel about it.

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we can probably give up on this season

i just hope you guys will like rated solo bgs, cause it’s the only pvp game mode that will have any meaningful participation in the years to come

I’d assume they are waiting on people getting 4 set before doing another tuning pass. Said this a couple weeks ago, but my guess is we won’t see anything for at least another 1-3 weeks.

Not great, but given the pretty huge disparity in damage 4 set gives for some classes, any changes now might have to be redone or even undone. In the meantime, would be nice if they starting fixing MMR.

[quote=“[Retail] PVP is at a breaking point already, post:2, topic:1735628”]
We’ve seen that this resulted in long queue times at higher ratings

Try all ratings…

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Guess we’ll have yet another week of massive deflation and massive sub rogue damage inflation. Sigh

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Not to be cynical, but this change probably helps WoW streamers. They’ll say queues are faster and things are better now.

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o and whats that?

in the space of a week, next expansion is a year away

now do me

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The PvP department are basically Ned Flanders parents, they’ve tried nothing and they’re all out of ideas.

The last tier is out, RWF is over, and fated already confirmed between now and 11.0

They full speed ahead on TWW with a couple interns managing things in DF

Better enjoy your waiting room lobby while you still can

I’m on mobile at work or all I would have to do is go find the thread where you said with a straight face that BGB will face the same issues healer wise as RSS which is the most copium thing said against BGB I’ve read

The beautiful thing is if I’m right, then we get a solo mode that isn’t terrible. If you’re right, PvP’s death is expedited

Either way, I get to enjoy the win/win