I am an experienced healer looking to play either my holy priest or resto druid for a raiding guild that raids preferably Wed+Thurs or Wed+Mon, 8pm st onwards but finishes no later than midnight. I am preferably looking for a guild that is doing or trying to start mythic raiding.
If your guild is looking for a healer drop a reply with your raid times and bnet and I will be in touch.
Alliance Frostmourne is ideal but will transfer to horde or server if needed.
Caffeinated is currently recruiting new members for its core raid team. Some core Raider positions have become available and we are looking for some reliable and competent Players to join our ranks.
Currently 9/9H and 1/9M. We are a 2 Night-a-week Raiding guild. On off nights or even after raid we often do M+. We take people from all walks of WoW life but as of this post, the priority is Raiders.
Our Raiding Schedule:
Wednesday 8-11pm ST - AEDST
Thursday 8-11pm ST - AEDST
Classes we are recruiting:
Any Confident Tank
Role Priority
Tank- High
Ranged DPS - HIGH
Melee DPS - Low (Select Classes only)
A few things we are looking for in our members;
Very little drama
Come to Raid Progression focused and prepared (pots, flasks, food, runes etc.)
Know the Fights
Be Punctual
Know your class and aim to improve yourself - Feel free to ask Questions, Our core team has a good knowledge base between them.
Able to take constructive criticism
We are a pretty chilled group who like to have fun and joke around but when it comes time to get into content we are focused on the job at hand.
For more information please contact any of the Officers in-game, leave a post here or add me on Discord @ Ursok#1546 or in game Egad#1317