Healer LF New Raid Team

Hi All,

Returning player is looking for a new raiding guild who is interested in pushing Mythic. I have been playing on and off in BFA but excited to jump back into the raiding scene. Since coming back to the game I have been able to clear 12/12 H and 4/12M on my Resto Druid.

With Shadowlands I am interested in changing my main character (away from Druid), so I am actively working on gearing and getting caught up my Pally, Priest and Shaman so I can get a feel for different healers. They all need a lot of work before they are raid ready.

Ultimately I am looking to join a team who is looking for a healer main. I am willing to play my Resto druid in raid (467 iLvl) until I can get some of my alts caught up a bit (and possibly through the end of BFA), when at that point I am interested in switching to a different healer (if appropriate).

Preferably looking to do progression raid 2 nights a week, I prefer the 7:30-11:00 ish time frame. I am also not available Monday nights and prefer to avoid Saturday nights if possible

Please let me know if your team is looking for a healer main for Mythic Progression!

Hey there Baxtra! Our times are sliiiightly out of your range but wanted to say hi anyways. Here’s my spiel:
We are Sneaky Beaky , a Cutting Edge focused guild on Area 52. We raid Mythic on Sunday and Monday from 9pm - 12am Server Time (EST) (invites at 8:30pm, first pull at 9) with an Optional Heroic on Thursday from 9pm-12am . We are recruiting one healer for Mythic Raiding.

Totally open to you bringing your druid and swapping to Shaman or Disc Priest after they are geared. So far we are 6/12 and we will be killing Vex tonight as we had her at 18% on our first night of attempts last night.

Would love to hear from you if our times work, my btag is Connolly#11955 or /who me in game, i’ll either be on “Teahgue” or “Tihocan”

Unfortunately Monday nights don’t work for me this Fall due to a night class from 6-9pm. Thanks for reaching out!

Hey Baxtra! We are heavily recruiting healers! Pasting our info below. Please feel free to reach me on discord at Rabbi#8509

Hey currently looking for resto shamans! Posting our post.


We are the Coffee Shoppe LF 1 healer to round out the team!

We are 1/10M 9/10H
We raid tues/thurs 8-11pm EST

IF this works for you, you can add my btag Gilga2k#1922