Healer lf Guild

Hi there and thank you for taking the time looking at my post.
I am willing to play a Resto Druid, Resto Shaman, Holy Paladin or Holy Priest. Druid and Priest are the best geared and Paladin/Shaman need work. Ideally looking for a guild that is missing a capable healer, who can play dps capably as an off spec, to push them into mythic raiding.
Its been a while since i raided CE, but the last time was the BFA expansion and i did not play much in ShadowCrap.

Availability is Friday - Sunday 5PM PST -12AM and Mon/Tuesday 6PM - 11PM PST.

Also love to do keys, DPS/Heals.

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We could use a resto druid but we raid 4-6:30 PST Sat/Sun. We’re 9/9H looking to fill some holes and head in to mythic. If there’s any wiggle room on start time hit me up on discord @ hitze_

on Illidan is recruiting for all roles. We are a newly formed guild. We are a midcore guild with plans of pushing mid-mythic or higher every tier. We are not pushing undergeared progression. We are a guild that does not welcome toxicity of any kind. We are planning on raiding Friday and Saturday 8pm EST to 10:30pm EST.
Do you want to play the game with people who don’t just raid log? Do you want to make jokes while you play and enjoy your time in game? Do you want to play with people who are focused on progression and making each other better? If you answered yes to these questions we might be the place for you.
If all of this sounds good to feel free to reach out Bnet: Kippo#1334 Discord: IamKippo

Hey there. is looking for a holy priest for our weekend mythic team. We raid Sat/Sun 8pm-11pm Est. We are a fun community of players and brand ourselves as mid core raiders. Below is my btag and discord. Feel free to look us up on raider IO. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a good evening! :smiley:

Discord: blastoix

Hey there. Interested in a Rdruid in particular. 3/9M, 7-10PST Fri/Sat.

Dom3908 on discord. Hope to hear from you!

Hi Bellanoir!
BiOL is looking for a versatile resto druid for our Mythic team for this tier and/or beyond. We love to raid tier to tier and push into Mythic as far as possible with people we enjoy raiding with.
I attached our 'spammage’:+1:so if interested, give me a poke.

Greetings, brave adventurers of Azeroth!
Are you seeking a guild that combines camaraderie, skill, and a burning passion for epic adventures? Look no further! By Design is now recruiting new members to join our ranks and forge an unbreakable bond on the battlefield.
By Design is a formidable force that has stood tall in the face of countless challenges. We are a close-knit community of warriors, spellcasters, healers, and crafters, brought together by our love for World of Warcraft and a shared vision of conquering the trials that lie ahead.
^ Brought to you by ChatGPT

But for realz, we are a bunch of close-knit people needing dps or healers. We have AOTC as of 5/28/23.
I’m really bad at these hense the ChatGPT so if you have more detailed questions reach out to me on discord. Reese#11897 Bnet or Reesecupthis Discord
Sat/Sun 8-11p EST
By Design - BleedingHallow

Lok’tar, friend! I saw you’re looking for a guild for your healer. I’m a raider in Cinder and Ash, Mal’ganis. We raid Friday and Saturday 8-11 central. We’re currently 3/9m and typically earn 50-75% of tiers in mythic. We’ve been around for 13 years and we are a Liquid Women in Warcraft Featured Guild.

We are recruiting a Resto Druid or Resto Shaman to our core group.
Trial will take place during our next raid so that both us and yourself can make sure that we are a good fit for each other.
We also love doing M+ of all levels.

If you have any questions please feel free to add Saint_11 on discord

Still looking- Preference would be to Play Resto Druid>Holy Pally>Resto Shaman

Hi! I think our goals are similar. Most of us have plans to get into Mythic raiding long term as well. 9/9 N and 2/9 H ATSC.

Guild & Server: <Ă‚scension> Area-52
Raid Times/Days: Tuesdays/Thursdays | 8pm - 10:30 PM EST (Server Time)
Current Progression: 9/9N 2/9H ATSC
Recruitment Contacts: @Raemyn - Area 52 [H] or Raemynn (discord)
Role Needs: Healers, Tanks, and DPS!

For raid team, We are currently looking for:

  • 2 healers - Resto Shammy, Prevoker, Resto Druid, Priest preferred
  • 4 Melee DPS - Enhancement Shammy, Warrior, Demon Hunter, WW Monk preferred
  • 3 ranged DPS - Hunter, Dev evoker, Warlock, SPriest preferred

Of course we are recruiting all classes/specs, but these are the classes specifically that round out our comp well.

In addition to raiding, we are looking for friends to continue pushing Mid to high M+ keys (+10 to +18 range at the moment). While we know we need to find decent players and expand our group to accomplish our goals, it’s important to us that we keep bringing in friendly, quality people into the guild. We currently have a great group and we are totally alright with doing informal “trials” for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you for a few weeks. If we all jive, we can make it official lol.

If you’re interested in hearing more, please message me on Discord: Raemynn

hey there! took at a look at us if your possibly interested in raiding with us sometime maybe try it out.

Hello Everyone,
I’m the new Guild Master for the Guild Dysfunctional RaidersINC

We are a fresh guild doing a bit of a reset, our members and friends we have raided since Cata but were trying to get a bit of a fresh reset and just start the clock over for Abberus, so we will start raiding Normal and our goal is mythic, however we will do Normal and Heroic until our raiders are ready.

We are currently 9/9N 1/9H on Abberus

We are a very close social - semi hardcore oriented guild for M+ and Raiding. Our guild is just forming comprised of close friends we have already raided normal Abberus so we would like to move to heroic but we are open to doing a fresh reset to get some good members involved in raiding and if they need to get geared up.

we will be running M+ during the week so feel free to join us anytime!

Members needed: Dps, Healers.

Interested whisper me on BNET:CloudChemist#1995
Discord: DeletedUser#9754

Thanks All!