Healer LF Adult guild for mythic progression

I am an older wow player coming back and looking for a good adult and english only raiding guild. My times are flexible. I have tons of progression experience and can play almost any class/spec needed but I prefer healing. I can heal on a druid, shaman, or priest. Post a comment here if interested! Thanks

Hello friend, Levios#1714

Hello! We’re in need of a healer. We raid Friday/Saturday 9pm to 12pm EST. I’ll put our guild info link below!

Beef#12743 is my B-Tag. I hope to hear from you soon.


Hey OldDirty, ODM, The OG (sorry I just like the reference). We’re a pretty relaxed adult guild. most of us are 30+ ya know? We play some other games as well. I’d be happy to take on a Mistweaver, though I see you are only lvl 45. Have you been pushing to 60? Whatever class you want to play however, aside from Warlock, we are actively recruiting.

Check us out
