Healer LF a guild

Hello, I am just now returning to the game after a 7 year Hiatus with my last raid being Tomb of Sargeras in the Legion expansion. I have done Heroic and some Mythic raiding but I am looking for a casual raiding guild that is mainly there to have a good time on raid nights. I am looking for specifically Monday-Tuesday raid nights, I am perfectly okay with only having one raid night but if you have two back to back like that on those nights that also works. I am a Mistweaver monk healer with a 602 Ilvl, although I am open to leveling and gearing other healers, I do not typically play other roles besides heals. I did a lot of mythic + content when I played prior and would love to get back into more mythic + content with a guild. My battletag is Xena#1904

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Hey there. I know it isn’t what you asked for, but any chance morning raids would work for you? Day Raiders raids Wednesday Thursday 8-11 AM EST.