Healer Impact in M+

What does everyone think about how much the healer role should impact the success of a M+ dungeon run? Let me break the question up into a couple parts:

  • Currently, do we think healers have the most, a balanced amount, or the least control over the success of an M+ dungeon run, as compared to a single player in the other roles (tank, dps)? Is this an appropriate amount of agency, given the skill requirement of the healer role?
  • What changes would be needed in order to increase or decrease a healer’s ability to have more/less agency over the success of a M+ dungeon run?
  • What would be the most fun / what would drive more players to want to play a healer in Season 1 of TWW?

I’ve said it before but what I’d like for them to do is lessen the defensive capabilities of specs across the board to make room for letting outgoing damage be toned down. The game has become more focused around having a personal and your assortment of other passive durability talents ready to press and rely on at the right times.

If a tank plays well they’re a nearly immortal god that you can forget about most of the time. And dps are tuned so that unless you’re really far into key levels you’re still timing that instance unless you literally chain wipe. Their own survival is in their own hands a lot more than it used to be because of how strong personal cooldowns have become. And if you get hit by something avoidable or mess up an important mechanic they’ll commonly just die outright.

And that just leaves healers in a weird spot where there are long stretches of you being just kinda not needed, topping people when they take chip damage because you can’t trust pugs not to step on a swirlie and die from 80% health. Then designated party damage mechanic happens and you blast a cooldown to over-over-overheal through it and you go back to being completely safe. Its weird how much disparity there is between “this kinda hurts you a little bit” and “this mechanic will kill you in seconds, spam and blast now”

You feel powerful and can heal a lot, but then the checks that you’re supposed to handle can be mashed through by having the right button available. And if someone’s determined to die, they will die by getting hit by things and its out of your control.

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I’d personally like to see more mobs in encounters with a rot aura or something like that.

At the moment, there are like a small handful of spots in dungeons where the heals has to show up and show out or else it’s gg.

Do I want more of those? Probably

As far as control? Tanks with the heavy lead on that (if they over pull and dps+heals run out of stops and kicks, there is nothing anyone can do to stop everyone but the tank from dying-- some tanks do this on purpose to feed their torch, troll, etc).

As far as what makes healing fun? Being able to save the day when people screw up makes healing fun to me. A lot of design right now is feast or famine; folks are either in zero danger or a grease spot waiting for a rez. Very little in between.


simple fix to making healers more required would just be in a M+ run make each mob apply a self healing debuff in X range around it self so then when the tank thinks he is god and pulls 100 mobs they cant heal them selves and this would affect the dps as well

that would just make you permanently dead if your healer is simply not good at the game

The issue with this question is that it is very, very dependent on the skill level of the group. And it always has been that way in dungeons to a fairly decent extent. If you ask the people at the top that run in organized groups, you may well get a very different answer than if you ask people who PuG with randos. I can heal a +3 and be healing my tush off most of the time, and know full well that this group would absolutely not have finished the dungeon if I wasn’t being awesome, but then the next day I can go a few levels higher and have a group where I’m basically window dressing except for a few moments, and even then if they are good with defensives they’d still probably live without me.


To me since i play bdk on tyrannical the whole dungeon is basically dependent on the healer.
I also play a but of healer to me they have a massive role in dungeons, mainly on bossess nowadays.
I kinda miss specific nuke mob packs like season 1 where tanks could get nuked and the party would take large amounts of dmg too specific mechanics.

I dont like how now its just intterupt or be 1 shot for trash packs.
Bossess though for the most part are fine imo. Maybe need a bit more rot dmg and less burst on some but ehh meh.

Which is the entire point of healing?

My enjoyment comes from your ability to die.

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Simple way to make more healers quit.

This would disproportionately affect BDKs and Paladins. VDH would still run ahead and just kite.

no a perma self sustain debuff would just make tanks and melee miserable and there’d be even less tanks in the game. That is not a good solution.

Why would melee be miserable?

And as for tanks, it’s a balancing act. Less tanks, more healers, both are allegedly in demand.

They described a debuff aura around the mob, which wouldn’t just impact tanks. I wouldn’t like playing my fury warrior and hitting bloodthirst during enrage but only healing for a fraction as much as I should be.

Or just turning off blood dk’s entire way of life lol