Healer & friend LF guild


Got a few level 80s, messed around a bit in S1 to get KSH but didn’t even get KSM as I just lost interest. Coming back for patch and would like to join a guild. Not really interested in raiding don’t want to commit. I enjoy M+, multiple healers - HPal, RDruid, Hpriest, Mistweaver - I would like to push for KSH this season with a decent group of people, esp consistent.

I have a friend who I recently got into WoW, they would probably be tagging along to join a guild but not there for anything crazy like M+, just casual stuff.


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[Guild: We Go Again] Tichondrius (US) is looking for homies and new people to come run M+ and raid. Currently looking to fill two mythic teams, but we have plenty of space for heroic

East Raid: Tue/Thurs 8-11est (5-8pst)
West Raid: Tue/Wed 9-12pst

We used to be an older guild with leadership that was not very active, so the majority of the guild split off and created a new place for more activities and community to be had. Even with everything we got to 5/8M. We have an active Discord and many friendly members of all walks of life. If any of these times interest you, or if you’re just looking for a good community add me at Flame#4420 on discord

[H] Dead Bodies Everywhere – Join Before Rigor Mortis Sets In!

Ever wake up in the middle of the night and think, I need a guild that raids, runs keys, and makes bad decisions with me? Same. That’s why we made Dead Bodies Everywhere, an 18+ casual raiding and M+ guild that values fun, friendship, and the occasional corpse run.

Why You’ll Love Us:

:skull_and_crossbones: Heroic Raiding (7/8H) – Fri/Sat @ 9 PM PST
:skull_and_crossbones: M+ Runners Galore – Whether you’re farming portals or just avoiding PUGs, we got you.
:skull_and_crossbones: Chaotic Good Vibes – Gambling nights, transmog runs, and Discord nonsense included.

We’re PST-based, so if you’re a night owl, second-shifter, or just bad at sleeping, you’ll fit right in. Join us before rigor mortis sets in!

BNet: Shadowkin234#1717

Hello! I’m representing Utsukushii Saisei a mythic raiding focused guild. We are currently looking for skilled and dedicated players for 11.1, and your experience sounds like a great fit. We raid on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 PM - 2:00 AM EST. We have several members who focus on mount farming, achievements, PVP and keys. You are not required to raid unless that’s what you are looking to do. Let me know if you have time to hop on Discord or Battle.net? Feel free to add me Zluci / Zluc#11533

Hi Yumcarrot!

I am an officer in the guild Woven Fate.

We are a social guild that does mythic dungeons (we have a dedicated group of people who pushed in season 1, and will again in season 2), raiding and other activities such as achievement runs and farming! We also have a lot of events weekly, and an active discord! A lot of us like to hang out and chat while we play.

If you are interested, give me a shout:

Discord: edonn3lly104

Bnet: edonnelly104#1749

Hey Yumcarrot!

We could always use more healers for M+. We run a dedicated key night on Mondays, but they also do happen frequently throughout the week! We do also have 2 raid teams if you are interested in raiding at some point.

Discord: Boundless828 :slight_smile:

Hey there,

You may enjoy a guild like ours — small, close knit, but fun! I run this guild with my husband as my Co-GM. However, we are a Pacific Time based guild and it seems there is a shortage of guilds on that coast, but it does suit some MST/CST/EST players that work second shift, have spouse/kids to tend to, or simply are night owls. Currently we have roughly ~40 active members that make up roughly about ~120 characters (some are admitted altoholics!). Although, admittedly we’re suffering from the “end of season” lull that seems to happen to every guild as we prepare for SEASON 2 (some of us are already on PTR testing!).

If raiding is what you’re looking for, we have several spots available on our Mythic raiding team, Olympians — they would be running on TUE/THU from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific for Season 2. Many of our folks from the Mythic team also run our Heroic raiding team, Prophets — on WED/FRI from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific. We also occasionally run an open PUG Normal raid on Sundays (Pacific Time).

Aside from raiding, we constantly run delves and dungeons and there are several M+ runners and M+ static teams in our guild to go through that journey. We are also a social guild and encourage everyone to participate in Discord (our guild chat isn’t as active admittedly, as is with most guilds) which is our main center for all our events! We host things like Cards Against Humanity, Truth or Dare, Pictionary, or TV/Movie watch parties too! There is always a few folks sitting in Discord to chat with too (mostly afternoons and evenings of course cuz we’re adults and work!), but not so many that it overwhelms.

If any of this interest you, add me on BTAG at Danitsia#1308 or on Discord, join our TLP-WoW server: discord(dot)gg/HJDDS3E

Check us out at tlp-guild(dot)com or read our ad below:

<3 Dani

Hi there! You sound like you would fit right in with my guild. We are casual and we don’t require everyone to raid. Just do what you find fun! <AZRA> {H/A} (NA) Chill adult AOTC guild recruiting for season 2

I’d like to toss my guild into the bucket:


M+ is all we do, and we’re in desperate need of some healers! Your friend is also welcome; we’ve got plenty of people who are always happy to lend a hand and offer advice. ^^

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8/8H(1 night) is a recently revived guild LF ALL raiders for season 2. The Club is managed by a multi time M+ Season Title and CE GM.

Our raid times: first 4 week of each new raid season- TH/F/SAT 830-1130pm PST, then drop to just TH 830-1130pm PST until 50%(4-5bosses) of the mythic raid is cleared.

Outside of raiding our guild has built a community of players who love to m+ at all levels!!!

Bnet: greatsten#1596
Discord: Greatsten

sup there! Are you still looking for a guild? If so, our guild Melliflous is recruiting! We are recruiting for heroic into mythic this upcoming season. Started the guild 3 months ago. Cleared heroic our first week as a guild and got 4/8M in S1, looking to start normal/heroic and then mythic and knock out some bosses and make a solid push for CE in S2. Raid times are Sat/Sun 8-11pm EST. With invites at 7:30, trash at 7:45 and first boss at 8 sharp.

We are looking for individuals with recent AoTC/mythic experience and players with similar goals and mindsets to our own. We don’t want raid loggers during progress or people that are just looking for a CE guild. The goal is to build there as a team. Highly skilled/motivated and mechanics-oriented team players are welcome and encouraged to apply. We like to have fun in raid and fool around, but at the end of the day the main priority is using our time efficiently to finish the tier as soon as possible.

What we offer raiders 5k gold repair a day, heart feast, Flasks, and Pots on Raid nights. Full time raiders also get enchants, gems, and sockets for ring/neck.

We are also interested in players looking to push mythic+ players if that’s all you want instead of raiding.

Let me know if you’re interested or have any questions! Can also join our discord and put in an application: discord.gg/haeCJWzM