Unfortunately, all of my friends have quit playing. I have one or two that I see upon occasion in-game, but we aren’t ever really able to sync up. Mostly I don’t get to play except between 7pm CST and 11 CST most nights (I am a single dad of a now 1 year old and he usually goes to bed by 7) .
I primarily do M+, though I PVP upon occasion when I am bored (I’ll usually pick a toon and go to like 1700 rating and then I usually go back to dungeons lol). I don’t really raid, mostly because I’m not entirely fond of progression raiding now a days since I have limited time to play, I don’t want to spend that time wiping over and over on the same boss, ha.
But I usually get KSM each season that I am active in. I generally just stay around 15-17 keys; because I have to basically pug everything, I haven’t been able to bring myself to shoot for higher than that, but I am sure I am capable.
I am looking for a guild of people who enjoy running M+ and maybe doing PVP. I am trying to make some friends, since between work and the baby, WoW is my only time for a social life LOL.
I’m pretty down to earth and chill. I’ve been playing Beta for 3+ months on Healing Evoker, so I am quite familiar (and have done a lot of M+ testing with it). I’ve been healing since 2005. I was a MW main from MOP through BFA, then in SL I mained Holy Priest and Resto druid alternating (except for season 3 where I randomly decided to just bear tank to KSM).
Currently my toon(s) are a mix of horde/alliance on Stormrage/Kil’Jaden, but I am more than happy to transfer.
Hit me up! I just want to be able to run some M+, get some DF KSM on, and chill/have fun/have a conversation that isn’t with a baby who can only say “Da da da”
Hello! My name is Oli/Tether & I’m the GM of the new guild Pandas with Headsets* on Area 52 Horde. We currently do not have any healing evokers signed up for DF so if you wanted to join us, we def have a spot for you
Here is my recruitment spam if you’d like to know more:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to DM me directly on disc: wigglehugs#6738
Well I cannot wait to hear from you & I hope you have a magical day!? / Oliauna/Tetherfang
Hello, Oli! I sent you a friend request on Discord (mostly cause I can’t figure out how to DM someone with discord without them being on my friends list, haha). I’d love to talk some more about Pandas with Headsets!
Heyas. We’re a social focused guild that raids and pushes M+. I’m always looking for more good people, not gear scores. Gear comes, fun people are a little harder to find. Wt but don’t treat the game like its a second job. Would love to talk to you more about what you’re looking for. Now for the typical guild spam:
Guild & Server: Sisters of the Night : Alliance: Whisperwind Type of Guild: Social/M+/Raid/Xmogs/Mounts Recruitment Contacts:
Discord: Ehlissa#9836
BNet: okayitsliz#1616 Requirements: Be social and active in chat, enjoy grouping and laughing. Be fluent in sarcasm and typonese. Needs: computer, internet connection, WoW sub, sense of humor. About Us: formed March 05, SotN is about taking a laid back approach to experiencing end game content. We aim to progress current or AOTC and M+ but accept the fact that as adults real life can and will intrude. It is what it is and we roll with it while having fun together. We also run regular Legacy raids/dungeons for xmogs, mounts, pets, and general shenanigans are aplenty.
Discord is active whether folks are in game or not as social interaction is what keeps us tight knit and effective while avoiding burnout.
Hey there! Thank you for reaching out! When I’m able to get back to my computer, I’ll shoot you a b-net invite so we can chat a little more about the potential opportunity!
Fellow dad here! I get the time constraints and all of that in regards to WoW. Like you said its my main social outlet as well.
is my guild it’s brand spankin’ new so there aren’t a ton of members at this point. I created it because I was tired of dealing with the drama that other established guilds come with. When I’m on WoW its to escape those silly things.
If you’d like to join something crazy new and have a chance at helping steer the culture of the community we’d be happy to have you.
Our focus is Raids/keys. I know you’re not a big raider but we’ll be doing keys regularly and would love to have you aboard.
feel free to hit me up on discord or bnet
Discord: jfrong#9418
bnet: Adrastus#1983