Healer classes for Season 2?

What healer classes do you think will be potent during the class changes. Someone said priests are losing rapture but I just read 11.1 notes and I dont see that anywhere. I will probably only have time for two healers. I played mw/disc this season to 1800. I was hoping for three but I just can’t stomach pve and leveling. But I do play pres and hpal and Rsham as well. That is to say I have an hpal but I really dont play it. But I’d really like too!

MW king. Will wait and see how resto druid does but I think they will still be garbo

If you go to “In Development Undermine PTR” section of forums and hit the sticky post “undermind development patch notes” shows you the full notes

  • The following talents have been removed:
    • Heaven’s Wrath
    • Rapture
    • Train of Thought

Ahh I see. Wierd…. Mean I’m ok with this if healing output compensates. Rapture does make us super tanky. From what I’ve read they really seem to be pushing more of a bolt spec healer. I’m totally ok with that since I do that anyways.
MW…meh. Very boring heal class! Doesn’t need to be so OP. I guess I’ll have my hpal on deck in the event they butcher priest. Have you seen the hunter notes? Geezuz h krist…:

Should just be a lot more balanced with HPal and Disc externals brought in line.


Yeah I’m not really sure I mean are you saying that disc and goals
Are getting nerfs so things should be more balanced? Meanwhile mw is broke as a joke? (Yea I realize I’m posting on a mw)

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