Heal through Grievous help

Say what?!!!

Gonna test this tonight.

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yeah he’s right, it’s a little somewhat underground trick but it def works this way :100:

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I haven’t really ever found grievous to be that tough since it got nerfed. Back in BfA the ticks were pretty strong but these days it’s relatively minor, even at 4 stacks. I wanted to see what it was like last night on a +21 so I just left 4 stacks on a DPS with no heals for a bit just to see how quick the drained. It wasn’t that much :slight_smile:

I know you’re running in the +8 to +10 range, but I looked at your gear and you’re fine. There’s a lot of suggestions in the posts above for what you should run for talents and legendary, but that’s up to you to play with and sort out what you like.

For what works for me, I run similar talents to yours but I take Soul of the Forest for the potent heal on SM and I use Photosynthesis because I use Dark Titan’s for my leggo. Actually, I think I can just link you my RIO and you can take a look for yourself if you’re interested…

Don’t worry about the key levels, my experience was generally the same lower down.

Anyway, I keep hots on people taking damage and I keep LB up on myself for the faster ticks (due to photosynthesis). I usually keep the second LB up on the tank but sometimes I move it to a DPS who needs a bit of burst. Past that I just SM on CD and either WG for group heals or Rejuv the tank to keep them up. If I have an emergency I’ll SM+NS+Regrowth for the ol’ Druid lay on hands (SotF boosts this big time).

What maybe some folks don’t realize is that a HoT application removes a stack of Grievous, so if you’re having trouble keeping up, spam a few extra rejuvs to get the stacks down before you SM+WG. I see you also have 4pc so don’t be afraid to spam a few Regrowths during that 8s window to get people back up.

Last thing to mention… if you’re struggling with Mana, just do 10’s and make sure your groups are killing Urh. It’s dumb that +10’s are easier than +9’s and I think that’s something Blizzard is addressing going forward, but just heads up that the relics make things much easier.


I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, it’s all a+ advice, just want to emphasize a few things.

There’s a few builds running around and they all work pretty well. There is Titan which will run photosynthesis like he’s running which is going to offer high sustained hps but will require extra globals healing from you. Starting out you’ll definitely want a weakaura tracking lifebloom (I’d advise one anyway, I found one that puts our core 4 spells for our ‘rotation’ (lb, wg, cw, efflo) right on my mouse cursor that doubles as a way for me to not lose my mouse). If you don’t have 2 lifeblooms up at all times, one on yourself and one on a priority target (usually a tank, but potentially someone else think the second boss in SD or the mage boss in ToP).

Another build is with VI, which is a lot more popular in dungeons as the single target hps build. One little trick with VI that a lot of people don’t know when they are new to resto is that SM will extend the hot from CW, it will also extend empowered hots from SotF or nourish. Just something to think about.

The last hps lego is vision, which gives you a chance to spread rejuvs. It’s really not that good in m+ but it’s amazing in raids.

The dps legos are circle and draught. I personally don’t like draught but run circle 100% of the time over the hps builds I just mentioned as it’s a lot easier for me to get value from it.

Something else to mention here, see if you can’t find a weakaura for your stacks of your 4pc if you’re having mana issues. When you can pop tree form, hit innervate, SM, then regrowth till your group is topped. The only time I’ve ever seen my mana bar cry is when my tree pops and I start throwing regrowth out. Otherwise that’s a spell that you only really want to use when you’re clearcasting otherwise you’ll see mana problems. As mentioned, this will get a whole lot easier once you start getting urh’s popped. 10’s are a lot easier than 9’s for sure, but also keep in mind it isn’t always fool proof. This has been an exceptionally accessible season for midlevel keys and you’ll see a lot of people in the 10-15 range who are just as bad as the ones in your 2-10 range where there was a long time that we didn’t have that. It’ll get better after that, just keep pushing.


I thought it was only direct heals. Not hots. Was this changed?

Good advice.

Definitely vate before and not during ToL as vate still triggers the gcd.

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Anytime you directly target someone with a healing spell from my understanding. As in it doesn’t remove a stack from them getting spring blossoms or wild growth, but I was removing 2 stacks at once last night just casting a rejuv and triggering my 2pc.

Wow. That’s not broken at all. Lol

No wonder it’s easier to deal with now.

rejuv has a direct heal component to it (when you first cast it), so it’s able to remove a grievous stack in the way you described, unlike the other more passive hots like spring blossoms and regrowth ticks :revolving_hearts:


This is super helpful in general. I modified one I found on wago.io. Anybody is welcome to use it… it’s pretty minimal.

Yep, and it’s wonderful! I do not miss BfA Grievous healing as a resto druid!

I still felt pretty broken as a resto druid healing grievous in BFA, especially compared to pretty much every other healer spec. Just no time to dps was all :stuck_out_tongue:

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Someone shared this in the Dreamgrove Discord the other day.


I have a high ilevel so it may be harder for other deruids, but here are my sugestionss:

  1. Take the swiftmend conduit. Your swiftmends will be huge. I typically use this to get someone up fast who also has high grievous stacks.

  2. Precast Hots to keep people who take chip damage from keeping an unecesary 1 grievious stack.,

3, Take soul of the forest talent, and use a post-swiftmended regrowth on someone who is low and has grievious.

  1. Immediately follow a regrowth up withj swiftmend for stong burst to reswtore someone to full HP and remove grievous.

  2. When all else fails, get the “elitism” addon, along with “elitism helper”. THis tells the group who took AVOIDABLE damge. the addon can annoy people but, it absolves you if someone dies as a result of avoidable dmg. I’ve found this addon to actually be very educational at teaching myself and others that there are some mechanics we didn;'t reaklize we could avoid.

Edot: i notice folks using rejuv to get rid of a single stack. while this is very true,. if your party has multiple people with multiple grievous *(high keys or bad teammates), using rejuv to remove one grievous will not be enough to get you out of th weeds. I suggeest focus on full healing 1 person at a time with the fasest method possible. Ful HP = all grievous removed.


Get Well Soon is the details name I set because I saw this a while ago and I thought it was hilariously appropriate :smiley: :heart:

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Details Names are the hidden gems of WoW.

I kept getting outhealed by Sanguine Ichor last week so I just changed my name to that in details.


Don’t even get me started…cringes

First big pull in a 17 SD with the urn, tank just stands there. I’m healing for close to 10k and sanguine still did 90% of the healing. You can imagine how twitch I had at this point already. We’ll just say we didn’t time…

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Holy Beelzebub batman, I love this forum…


I was curious and snooped. Your Resto druid has 7% mastery, is this still true?

Of what consequence is that to you?

You should be making decisions based off your own stats (15%), not others.