Hey guys.
I am getting into holy priest, maybe will make it my new main. I find it satisfying to play straight healer.
Here comes the homework!
I already mined icy out. Could I get some resources that will improve my skills? Youtube channels, pages, whatever?
Thanks in advance
And just because: It’s from an older game but I think everyone will relate and laugh.
Hey welcome! Not sure what level you’re starting at, so my humble advice on the list of things you can start considering:
Getting an MMO mouse like the Logitech G600. Personally the game would be unplayable for me without this.
At the very least you have to edit the default Blizz raid frames to make them larger and more towards the center of the screen left of your toon, so you can easily mouseover heal targets in triage mode.
Add-ons: At a minimum you probably want DBM, Weakauras, and something like ThreatPlates (though that’s not currently working in 11.0.2, though you can use BetterBlizzPlates for the time being). DBM obviously choreographs the fights for you, Weakauras can do so much but I like to at least highlight priority CDs and make that more visible, and a plates add-on takes the horrendous Blizz UI for enemies and buffs/debuffs/casts and makes it infinitely more visible.
Probably the best known holy priest healer is AutomaticJak who has been writing the guides for both Wowhead and IcyVeins and has a YouTube channel. There should be all kinds of tutorials there.
And then it’s just practice! Unlike DPSing there’s no perfect rotation (well there theoretically is, but the max HPS rotation is not necessarily the specific healing required at that moment) so it takes judgment and experience. The first stage you’re going to be working on your reflexes and ability to react quickly to the health bars, then you can expand on that by more closely studying the mechanics and being prepared for damage patterns in advance, then it’s really a matter of seeing everything that can go wrong actually go wrong and using that experience to do better, tweaking your build along the way.
You’ll either love it or find the whole process of healing an unbearable chore of nursing precocious tanks and adolescent DPSers like you’re their mom. It depends on your personality if you end up loving it! Good luck!
Thank you very much. That is a wealth right there.
You can’t put a message in less than 10 characters (letters/digits). So it’s just filler to lengthen the message.
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Speaking of, can you not get the G600 anymore? Mine is going on 6 years old (which is like 300 in mouse years) and it’s my second one, so I might be that weirdo that stocks up on a spare mouse.
Mine died about 6 months ago… And yeah it’s discontinued and out of stock everywhere, you could maybe get one if you are willing to pay like 6x more.
I couldn’t find anything as good, specially not with the extra button on the Ring Finger. Ended up getting a Naga V2 Hyperspeed which works well but definitely not as good of a layout so had to change my keybindings to accomodate.
By now I’d say it’s not as big of a deal, I got used to it. But I’d definitely would go back to the G600 in a hearthbeat… Really wish they re-released it, maybe with a wireless version, but I haven’t seen any signs of it, they might too busy with their “AI button” or “subscription mouse” stuff.
Wow, thanks for the heads-up! I just paid twice as much and ordered one from Japan. I wasn’t kidding about not knowing what I’d do without it, and I guess I’m getting too old and stubborn to adjust to new things, 
You can get a red dragon one with weight wheel and led lighting with 12 tumb buttons for 30 bucks on Newegg com.
Yeah, one day it might come to that, for now I ordered a surplus stock one from overseas. Getting used to a new mouse it’d be 3 months from now I’d still be randomly misclicking lol 
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