Heads up, stop farming corruption + essences

pre-patch september
launch october
they mentioned in interviews if covid never happened sl would have been before blizzcon also
that prepatch is a month before launch

Literally everyone knew this stuff would be moot in Shadowlands. Everyone. Every single person.

People doing it now are doing it because they still have to play BfA for the next, what, 4 months? Might as well get as strong as possible so it’s enjoyable instead of spending 4 months perpetually behind everyone who’s still actively playingg.

But did they say when the pre-patch is going live? I have a feeling it’s not till fall time.

October is before Blizzcon. Doesn’t the fact that they say no covid = before blizzcon imply yes covid = after blizzcon? So, like, mid November at the earliest?

Or am I missing something here?

pre-patch PTR (in a dev interview they said now as in today when they ment next week along with beta invites and beta to SL are next week, also the blogpost of all things removed in SL is next week

Essences and AZ aren’t begin removed, they are just not going to work in SLs. Corruption, maybe I can see that as it is being completely removed from the game in the pre-patch.


Then what is the point of the cap on the cloak?

same point as the caster for legion and bfa doing a countdown on a timeframe of the next content also the cap was not stated by blizzard, they gave the cap to dataminers via data which they know wowhead is the one who usually shows these sorta countdowns

This is a terrible idea not letting corruption, essences and azerite to work beyond pre-patch. Any desire to continue to play the game literally just went out the window

What if I don’t care about old content stuff?

Rather important info. Odd that I haven’t seen it reported yet in the usual places - do you have a source you could point me to?

Edit: this just popped up but haven’t watched the whole inteview

like just keep then and have them not active in SL once lvl 53 or something so at least the ppl not in SL can still have fun with them.

No thanks, I’m trying to down mythic nzoth before SL but you do you!

The pre-patch is still like a few months away. Let me enjoy my extra stats for a while.

Yeah i know and i don’t care because i need all that you said to push high end content.

Holy crap is there anyone still currently playing that wants to KEEP PLAYING bfa once SL hits?

I can barely stand playing it a month ago. I cant even log in right now.

We knew corruptions would be useless soon, as with most systems from bfa.


Only reason I got 1 of my other characters to 120 is so I can have that neat voidy effect on them for RP

Fixed :wink:

But seriously, I’ll miss it.

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no we did not as currently even legion leggos are not useless