Headless Horseman takes ages to kill now

Bad for the mount, pet and dragon saddle skin farmers.

90 seconds is forever in a tiktokers world


I haven’t done it yet, but he always took sorta longer than others. In any case, I doubt it’s more than a couple minutes…

Personally, done it 5 times so far, I feel it’s much quicker due to no head tossing.

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Boss takes longer, first kill drop rate increased. Good changes. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Killing a boss in 10 seconds on 30 chars is terrible.

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It’s two forevers

Go go go!
Fast fast fast!
Now now now!

Gimme! Screeeeeeeeee!

(Starts foaming at the mouth)


I’ll miss the “Get over here you idiot” when his head gets evicted from his body


Then there’s me, thinking that even with hard mode enabled, he dies pretty fast.

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Wasn’t too bad but I did find the healing very umm clunky like none of my heals were even landing. Like throwing around a wet noodle lol

oh noes! something takes more than 2 minutes to kill!

the horror

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