Headless Horseman and the Hallow's End event

You dont’ want to trade it.
You want to sell it for millions of gold

A lot of old players did. In 2010 there was a bug where the mount and helm drop rate were flipped.


I have a dup sitting in one of my banks that I wouldn’t mind selling.

If it’s like Brewfest you may only have a chance at getting the horse from first kill per account a day. I thankfully already got my reins and got no interest in the pumpkin for my dragon. It…is odd they added a hard mode to headless horseman though yet no hard mode for Coren was done?

Is it a new version? Or just the same old one.
Well we got a broom.
We go vroooooooooooooom!!


At no point did I say it was the same people making both complaints, though I’m sure that does happen in some cases. If you’re going to ascribe meaning that isn’t there then you could at least be creative enough to set yourself up for a funnier retort! I don’t think that is too much to ask! :wink:

Ah here come the ole’ “I ran it 1200 times this week and got nothing!” complaints.

Well… you just told Blizz you are willing to run it 1200 times. Thanks for being part of the problem! :laughing:

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2010 was the year it almost dropped all the time i remember, got it myself then and you will notice ALOT of players thats been around for a long time that 2010 they got it

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From 0.001% to 0.002%

It’s twice the chance!!!

(I still won’t get this low res mount)


They need to remove it from the pumpkin and have you loot it off the body. Like the Tome Reaver.

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I got it in 2009. The last year it actually dropped of the body and no personal loot. Had to win the roll as well lol!!


i agree, it was better the old way, where you had the same low drop chance on every kill without the higher chance on the first kill. it honestly felt more rewarding to get things that way.

If you say so. That wasn’t what I was saying.

I only mirrored your energy and words

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Someone does

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Stuff like this on the forum……I just can’t….


Apparently doing the “hard mode” gives a better drop chance for mount. At least according to wowhead. What that % is nobody knows

I also got mine a long time ago… :pensive:

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It’s very simple. Leave the drop. Also put it on a vendor for a high amount of currency that drops from said dungeon as a way to earn it. Add more stuff and rotate it every year. Kind of like the Trading Post.

Don’t let events rot. Don’t let prizes rot. Keep things interesting and keep them a positive experience.