He yguys cant seem to figure out whats going on. i need some help

hey all so im new to destro and i cant seem to barely stay over 700k overall dps at 603 ilvl. im not sure what im doing wrong as ive read guides and such. i main heals but would like to have a dps to play as well come s2 but i cant seem to figure out what im doing wrong. any help would be appreciated. the destro discord was very unhelpful. tia

Have you tried icey veins destro warlock guide? Are you playing diabolist? Do you have a weak aura for when you are about to use diabolic ritual? Are you casting chaos bolt for your diabolic ritual for chaos bolts over 2m damage?

Without logs or anything we can’t tell what you are doing wrong.

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I have looked at guides. Im running hellcalker right now for m+? I like diabloist better but I couldn’t find a guide for m+ diabolist. I do have some logs tho I can post if that’s helpful

Recommend you go to Kalamazi’s website. Everything you need to know (except PvP and Delve build) are there.
I personally use WoWhead’s Diabolist Delve build for my Demo Warlock.

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It’s impossible to help without understanding what you do today. Here’s a couple generic tips tho.

In dungeons, a large source of damage comes directly from your hero tree - wither/Blackened Soul and the various Demonic Arts. If you play Hellcaller, you’re looking to get wither on EVERYTHING and dump shards in all ways possible. Not just chaos bolt which is inefficient at 3+ targets.

Generally diabolist is a little weaker in dungeons as it’s based around short bursts of AOE from the summons but no sustain. The best uses cases for diabolist are dungeons with small pulls (i.e Grim Batol) or raid bosses with 1 target and maybe some occasional adds.

Then two general Destro tips regardless of hero tree. (1) Shadowburn is very good. Keep it on cooldown unless the target is approaching 30% then pool to spam in execute. (2) Mayhem > Havoc 99% of the time.

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ill check it out ty!!