He was a mage....until he died and was remade

I thought, I liked the idea of an old Mage who found himself killed and risen as Forsaken. Naturally, a certain AI software offered inspiration.



If I could get that look, I’d roll one in a heartbeat


Vile Forsaken wretch…


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Went ahead and did arendition of him in Pathfinder Remastered.


Male human dhampir wizard 10 (Advanced Player’s Guide, Lost Omens Gods & Magic, Lost Omens World Guide, Rage of Elements, Secrets of Magic)

Medium, Dhampir, Human, Humanoid

Heritage dhampir

Background seer of the dead

Perception +15; darkvision, low-light vision

Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Goblin, Orcish, Undercommon

Skills Acrobatics +15, Arcana +22, Deception +14, Diplomacy +14, Intimidation +16, Medicine +14, Occultism +17, Religion +14, Society +21, Survival +14, Undead Lore +17

Str +1, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +2, Cha +2

Items explorer’s clothing, greater staff of necromancy, backpack, bedroll, chalk (10), flint and steel, necklace of fireballs ii, rations (1 week) (2), rope (foot) (50), soap, Spellbook, torch (5), waterskin, writing set, purse (13

AC 28; Fort +18; Ref +18; Will +17 (Mage Armor and Shield presumed active, otherwise AC 25)
HP 108; void healing

Speed 25 feet

Melee [1] greater staff of necromancy +15 (magical, two-hand (1d8), monk, staff), Damage 2d8+1 B

Arcane Wizard Spells DC 29, attack +21; 5th acid storm[LOGM], black tentacles, force barrage, impaling spike 4th aerial form, mountain resilience, mystic armor, phantasmal killer 3rd animate dead[APG], fireball, grim tendrils 2nd befitting attire[SoM], blood vendetta, false life, invisibility, mist 1st breathe fire, breathe fire, horizon thunder sphere[SoM], phantasmal minion, runic weapon

Cantrips (5th) caustic blast, chill touch, needle darts[RE], prestidigitation, produce flame, shield

Focus Spells 2 Focus Points, DC 29; 5th Energy Absorption, Force Bolt

Class Feats Advanced School Spell, Linked Focus, Quickened Casting, Spell Penetration, Spell Protection Array
General Feats Toughness
Skill Feats Battle Medicine, Biographical Eye[APG], Forensic Acumen[APG], Godless Healing[LOWG], Intimidating Glare, Skill Training
Other Abilities arcane school, arcane thesis, school of battle magic, staff nexus, wizard spellcasting

an old Mage who found himself killed and risen as Forsaken.