"He Shoots, He Scores!" Darkmoon Fair Quest Not working

There are three quests I always hit outside of pet battles because I know I can do them on one token easily. The other two are the rings on the turtle and flying through the fire rings. I have had no questions with “He Shoots, He Scores!” ever, not even Sunday-Tuesday. Today, I hit it first after doing one of the pet battles, and it let me hit twice, but even when I could see the projectile hit the target the arrow was above, it didn’t register. It makes me think that either the arrows are lagging, my shots are lagging, or the arrows do not match the target you should be hitting. I used all 3 of my remaining tokens and got no additional hits beyond the first two. I tried reloading before my second attempt and logging out and back in before my third. I will try it again on my next character, but if it bugs, I’ll be done until I know there is a fix.

I got it to work on an alt, but I had to angle the camera up to aim above the target instead of at the target to hit it. Maybe this change was intended to make the game more challenging; I know they have done that with other faire mini-games in the past. I did manage to complete it in just one go, but just barely as I went from getting quick shot almost every single target to only getting it a couple of times.


Mine any everyone I talked to at the booth said the same thing, they could not hit it.

Bump, this started happening today for me as well.


I took me 7 game tokens to figure it out, but I managed to finish it. What worked for me was to stand halfway between the ground and the top of the counter (as a Pandaren, at least) and that allowed me to get a few hits before the method would suddenly stop working.

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Please fix He shoots, He scores! game. There are so few games at the faire and this is one of the better ones.


Another day, another broken quest.

Welcome to World of Warcraft: Bugflight

Okay I was able to get it to work by zooming the camera all the way into first person view.

This was done of my Dracthyr in his visage form.

Second Update:
Had the bug again on another character, (High Mountain Tauren), and had to add “aiming” a bit up in addition to zooming into first person view.

Center of my screen was at about the top of the taller targets. My monitor is 1920x1080.


Same issue here. None of the workarounds seem to do anything for us vertically challenged though.

I was coming here to report this too. Only tested on my Vulpera so far. And Even standing in exactly the same spot targetting the same target without any movement it’d sometimes hit and sometimes miss. I can’t imagine this is an intended change.

Yes this is happening to me as well. Tried restarting it but still bugged.

same, human male.

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Completely broken. No “hacks” mentioned here worked at all for me. The “bullet” goes all different directions each shot. Even if by chance one actually hit the target it still didn’t give credit. I give up.


Same here, on my Worgen and Dracthyr alts it’s not working (Cenarius and Windrunner). Shots go everywhere but the target and even when one does hit, half of the time it won’t register it. This is a new bug as of today, had no trouble with it yesterday of before.

Came here looking for this topic.

I will say I’ve had a little more difficulty this week with this quest than normal, but I figured it was because it’s been ages since I regularly visited the faire. So it took me a few tries today to realize that it wasn’t me just being even worse; I stood perfectly still and watched my shot fly off in a different direction each time.

Four rounds of shooting and only one point scored.


None of the suggestions are working for me either. Even when it appears I’ve hit the target, I rarely get any credit. I can manage about 1 hit per round. Not worth it.

The “Angle up” just got it done for me but something for sure changed or off with this one.

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I’m guessing the ability used for this quest is a frontal cone ability which all frontal cones are bugged right now.


I shoot with my Goblin yesterday morning, it works fine. Then switched to Human. missing all. Didn’t even make a hit. Struggling this all day, waste my darkmoon game token on this. Today new day… Same issue. Went back to Goblin, now it’s not working. Is this a glitch or something? If yes, should put orange cone to say it’s not working!

I’m able to do this, but I hate the angle. It is near impossible when some idiot camps their big a$$ed mount on you. And I could barely see over the counter with my dwarf! Why did Bliz feel the need to make any changes to this part of Darkmoon Faire?

I used 4 token to get 10 hits, I too could see the projectile hitting target and not scoring. I used to be able to this with one token, for the past 20+ years

I found that if I accept the quest, then exit the game completely (not just log out) and return, I can hit the targets. I hope this info helps someone at Blizzard debug the dang thing.