H/Dpriest looking for some mid/high-ish keys!

I’ve posted around here before but wanted to begin looking again!

My main is a Resto Druid at 2.7kio, since I don’t need a whole ton of gear on her at this point, I’ve been wanting to begin gearing up the Priest! Problem is, I don’t know a ton of people with alts or people that would be down to run some mid-range keys (12s-16s or so), so I’m looking here!

I’m not opposed to pushing higher-keys on my Priest either, but atm I’m only 407 as I don’t
pug. I haven’t done any keys so far this season on my Priest since once again, I don’t pug, but I am familier with the dungeons and the mechanics from experience on my Rdruid main.
I’ve mained my Priest before in the past so I’d just need to re-familiarize myself with it!

I’m not opposed to doing some raiding on my Priest if it doesn’t conflict with my current main raid nights, but I’m primarily just looking for some keys.

Hit me up on here if you have a community/group/guild/etc that is in need of a healer. :slightly_smiling_face:

Update: Now sitting at 412ilvl & 1043 io!

Priest’s IO: https://raider.io/characters/us/turalyon/Seinara

My guild/community has several M+ pumpers, feel free to join our community if you’re in need of people. Community Code: R9BYXpRSjzn :grinning:

I’m a Ret Paladin with 2642io, I’m down to run 16’s and stuff with you as well, 17’s would probably be “ideal” instead of 16’s so we get Hero items instead of Champion, but I’m honestly fine with either. I just really enjoy meeting new people and it never hurts to have more friends who do M+, regardless of the level.

Vicfire#11666 add me if you need a dps to add to the list :smiley: