[H][Cata][Mankrik] <The Dedicated Few> recruiting & looking for merger - 25M

< The Dedicated Few >
Tier 11: 13/13N + 1/13H

About Us:
< The Dedicated Few > is a reformed raid team that began playing Horde on the Atiesh server under the guild < Colonial Space Marines >. We cleared everything in Vanilla/TBC/Wrath, including all hard modes and heroics. We recently moved to Mankrik due to the low Horde population on Atiesh.

***We are currently running two 10 man, progression focused raids with the goal of recruiting a few more key roles to transition to 25 man content. Once we can field a 25 man raid, we will continue to run 10 man content for alts on Wednesdays. Ideally we would like this transition to occur ASAP and will continue to push progression on 10 man content until that time. We are also open to the idea of merging raid teams with a smaller guild, with similar goals in mind. Currently we have a total of 18 core raiders

Our goal is to set up an environment where everyone shares the same goals and has fun. I’m sure we all find the vibe during raids is much better when things go smoothly and bosses die, rather than when we struggle on the same content over and over and resentment and finger-pointing rear their head. Although we are a performance oriented raid team, we will not be aiming for server-first clears nor speed runs, just good vibes and solid execution. Leadership will do its best to provide you with a fun, respectful and efficient raid environment, fair loot distribution (i.e. loot will be going where it best benefits the raid) and transparency about our decisions. We will also be open to feedback on changes you’d like to see implemented.

Raid Schedule:
Main raid-
Tuesday 9:00 pm-12:00 PM EST
Thursday 9:30 pm-12:30 am EST
Second Raid-
Wednesday 9:00 pm-12:00 PM EST

Raid Expectations:
-We expect raiders to aim for a minimum of 90% attendance. Our goal will be to have a rotating bench to allow players to have days off to enjoy life outside of WoW.
-We expect everyone to show up to raids with BiS gems, enchants, consumables and professions regardless of progression or farm content.
-We expect everyone to know their spec inside and out. This means knowing what gear they should be reasonably aiming for, understanding their rotation and how it changes based on circumstances (number of targets, etc.), knowing when to use their cooldowns and setting up a good UI. This is where spending some quality time on your class Discord comes in handy.
-During progression, we will be expecting everyone to at least have a grasp of the mechanics on new bosses. There are a ton of guides out there for every fight, both in written and video forms, so showing up to raid completely uninformed and just winging it will not cut it.
-We want all our raiders, officers included, to be open to feedback and show a willingness to learn and improve. Nobody plays perfect and we all have things we can work on, so if an officer approaches you with constructive feedback, we expect you to listen with an open mind and adjust accordingly.
-We expect all raiders to maintain a minimum of a 50% median average parse via Warcraft Logs. If you fall below this threshold, we will try to see why that is the case and work with you to improve.

Current Recruitment Needs:
High Priority: DK DPS (tank OS pref), Holy Paladin, Ele Shaman, Resto Shaman
Medium Priority: Feral Druid, Mage
All exceptional players will be considered, especially DPS with either Tank or Heal OS

Currently for 10 man, we are using MS>OS open roll. Once we transition to 25 man content, the following will be in place:
TMB (That’s My BiS)-> RC Loot Council : All raiders will be expected to generate a BiS list in the priority they want to receive their loot. Loot will be handed out based on player priority. In cases where multiple people have the loot as their highest current priority, the loot council will set the order based on necessity, raid impact, and player performance. Items that are not on anyone’s TMB list will be free rolled.

If you are interested and feel that you can meet our expectations, please join our Discord and fill out an application, or reach out to @Majinwho on Discord. Link to our discord/application: /m5QsaGXr2F

Any guilds that are interested in a potential merger, please reach out to myself (@majinwho) or our GM (@inky_8) on Discord.