HC PTR not released yet because

  1. ATVI has a black-out on all releases for x # of weeks, including PTRs, until Diablo is milked for as much $ as possible.
  2. Blizzard is “deer in the headlights” trying to figure out what rule-set they should use.
  3. Summer interns assigned to HC are not due to arrive until late June after school gets out.
  4. ?

I could see the point about Diablo, and not losing focus on that at least until the first battle pass drops and has had sometime to get bought up. In terms of them not knowing the rule-set yet, that would be perfect for a PTR that they are actively looking at comments to see how the community reacts to changes. That would require a team willing to adjust based on feedback… In terms of Summer interns that is a factor, but assuming this has been ongoing before that I don’t see how a PTR couldn’t be pushed out. The fourth reason is that they don’t know what a good time is either lol as Blizz will be unable to please everyone that is interested in official servers.

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Expect the PTR to roll out when the new classic patch rolls out. They gave an 8-12 week timeframe just over 3 weeks ago.


The new Classic patch is going to be the PTR.

Milking Diablo / they don’t have any “era” employees anymore.

Fixed 10 chars

They have aggrend but he is about to be fired for taking bribes from rxp/hardcore.

Idk, my place of work got our fresh batch of interns 2 weeks ago. Maybe they are getting them up to speed first