HC official Solo Self Found

Not exactly, the people who made it and the people who use appeals made it a joke. Personally I like the rules, with the exception of appeals and duo/trio leveling.


Not sure you understand how fads work.

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Not sure you understand how anything works tbh lol

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You do know that Era was dead before the streamers started streaming HC right? 5 months ago you could barely get a WSG going on Era.

Enjoy it while its still popular cause it aint gonna last long once official comes out.

Already there, although popularity has nothing to do with it.

I hope so. It’s been much better lately, many of the jerks have left. It may become a nice server again.

Loll dude, I came to the same conclusion a couple times arguing with the same dude … hilarious :joy:

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I mean…maybe, or disable all AH and banking until lvl . I’d be cool with that too.

Somebody is still sore from getting rekt last week I see

Sorry but not sorry kid. It’s your own fault. You hurt yourself.

Youll get over it in time, I assure you

Nahh i said I don’t really feel bad about it. You cussed it yourself. I warned you. Not my fault.

Positive affirmations, remember that. You got this bud

I mean okay yeah, i was starting to feel a little bad at the end. You kept breaking your own bones by hitting me. Self inflicted, not my fault, but at some point starts to feel kinda bad.

Its part of being sensitive, youll grow out of it.

It’s part of being an adult. You may experience it when you become one, kid. Or if you become one ? Lol donno. No worries.

Its funny how the only insults you can come up with is either RMT/GDKP or different versions of insults given to you. Level up bro. Youre getting boring.

We went through that loop like 5 times already. Not interested in a rewind. Not now at least. I refer you to above posts. Enjoy reading.

I feel like you may be overestimating his skillset…

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Nice distinction and concisely sums it up.
I’d only add the people that “hacked” it because they couldn’t handle death=delete or any one of the other restrictions made it a joke as well.

Addon’s a tool and the tools that abuse it are the joke.

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It actually seems we CAN play IronMan Challenge after all. An API access have just been announced: New APIs Now Available for Testing