HC official Solo Self Found

What you quoted answers your post.

Not at launch.


He wants a delay though they’ve stated a projected window already. I mean he can ask but I cannot support a delay and find it highly unlikely Blizzard will do so.

Then again I thought tokens in Wrath Reforged were highly unlikely.

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I quoted the answer to what we will see and the stance Blizz is taking.

I saw the above. I read it as a smoke screen for Blizz. Blizz says it isn’t on the table currently and would need to have a later patch but never commit.

I believe is is said better in what I quoted but they said it in what you quoted as well.

Continuing the discussion from Concerns about Classic Hardcore:


Ohh okay so now you can see that part of the blue post. Cool. Cuz what you originally quoted had nothing in it saying they are considering SSF. Glad I could save you some bucks for an eye doctor.

And that’s the whole point of my thread. Read it again.

I read it just fine. Even better we have a blue post saying what we will see.

It is the opposite of what you wanted from your initial post, it is what it is. Play as you want to, hope you enjoy the game.

Does anything else need to be clarified? You’ll get it eventually, now be happy for once in your life and move along.


Do you guys understand that I made this post after that blue post as a response/request in relation with that ?

Why is it so difficult for you to comprehend. They said we are considering it for a future patch, and after that blue post came out, I am asking Hey can you please consider it for launch ?

Why I am asking this ? because it doesn’t make sense to add that in a future patch. It’s like releasing a car, but adding the engine later on. It may not feels like that to you, but that’s how it feels to me and as a result I made this post. Simple. It’s really not rocket science to understand it.

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Nah its like releasing a car and then offering a spoiler as an accessory later on


It’s like after-market tint and a new sound system.

Don’t you need your car to get around?
Take the car, do your thing and later you get the upgrades without losing use of your car all that time.

Don’t delay, Blizz. Let people play now and upgrade if/when you’re ready.

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Okay good, so at least you finally understand the post.

Picture this: The same people clamoring for SSF also use 10+ addons that help the player do all sorts of things to avoid trouble.

Is hardcore really hardcore with addons?

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From what I’ve seen of HC add on users… most aren’t really HC.

Guides that tell you where to go and what to do at what level specifically… not hardcore imo.

Clearing all starter zones before moving on to second tier zones… not hardcore.

Overleveling content and only killing mobs/doing quests lower level than you are… not hardcore.

Sure you have some who don’t do any of this… apparently they are the only ones requesting SSF be pushed to the hardcore realms.

The issue I have is SSF is at odds with MMO. People say they aren’t but there are two words that are directly opposite each other. Solo and multiplayer.

But what do I know I’m just “softcore”.

Yeah I understood and disagreed with my first post in this thread.

I was being sincere in my original comment but since you want to be sassy, yes, I think the planned release is fine and you should deal with it.

Create an SSF Guild on launch and invite all your buddies if it means that much to you, it’s not like coordinating a group of people who actively don’t want play with one another would be that hard.


I saw someone on the EU forums suggest that trade and AH should be limited to grey and white items only. Exactly because professions are dependent on one another.

Edited to add a link:

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Scanned that thread.
Thalissa out there trying so hard to build some consensus, help people understand because they love the secondary professions/tradeskills.

I wanna be like Thalissa when I grow up.

Also I still would love no AH and barter only but if I do play will just do that on my own. Might be a bit difficult to find people to agree with no gold/goods only trades but that’s fine with me.


I’m in two minds about this. I love the idea, and think it would work very well for trade goods, consumables and high-end items. But for the random greens that drop while levelling, it would be really hard to buy/sell and most would probably end up in the vendor or disenchanted.

Still might find someone that will take the trade of armor for needed skilling supplies for their trade. Not always but I can live with that personally.

I know. It might sound a bit selfish not to care about getting that item into the hands of someone that wants or needs it. I plan to play a paladin so I will probably hand it over without “compensation”.

Walk in the Light, brothers and sisters.

They stated they don’t feel comfortable limiting “player agency” and if SSF does get added imho, it’s going be in a creation toggle. There also probably isn’t much clamor for it.

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Domt bet on that . HC wont be a massive thing . They are only appeasing the streamer crowd.