HC official Solo Self Found

This 10000x

I don’t really care is SSF players get their own server. Hell part of me wishes they would so when it inevitably dies or ends up with twinks I could farm the :salt:


Nothing I posted fits that description, thanks for playing. Go ahead though, explain how I am being self righteous when my previous post isn’t even wrong.

Good to see you are still in your classic “someone disagrees with me, time to throw insults”

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Common dude it wasn’t an insult and it totally matches you and the class you play. Man of light and righteousness :stuck_out_tongue:

Fair point, I retract my smarminess then :slight_smile:

I am nothing if not a paragon of righteousness and an exemplar of the light.


checks the bingo card
yep hmp

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Continuing the discussion from Concerns about Classic Hardcore:

Easy direct answer from Blizz


Welp that settles it.

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Bingo is not hot.

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Strip Bingo?

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Do not encourage him.


You’re a sick puppy.


Really interesting choice of quoting… did you see the paragraph above it by any chance?

Continuing the discussion from Concerns about Classic Hardcore:

What you quoted answers your post.

Not at launch.


He wants a delay though they’ve stated a projected window already. I mean he can ask but I cannot support a delay and find it highly unlikely Blizzard will do so.

Then again I thought tokens in Wrath Reforged were highly unlikely.

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I quoted the answer to what we will see and the stance Blizz is taking.

I saw the above. I read it as a smoke screen for Blizz. Blizz says it isn’t on the table currently and would need to have a later patch but never commit.

I believe is is said better in what I quoted but they said it in what you quoted as well.

Continuing the discussion from Concerns about Classic Hardcore:


Ohh okay so now you can see that part of the blue post. Cool. Cuz what you originally quoted had nothing in it saying they are considering SSF. Glad I could save you some bucks for an eye doctor.

And that’s the whole point of my thread. Read it again.

I read it just fine. Even better we have a blue post saying what we will see.

It is the opposite of what you wanted from your initial post, it is what it is. Play as you want to, hope you enjoy the game.

Does anything else need to be clarified? You’ll get it eventually, now be happy for once in your life and move along.


Do you guys understand that I made this post after that blue post as a response/request in relation with that ?

Why is it so difficult for you to comprehend. They said we are considering it for a future patch, and after that blue post came out, I am asking Hey can you please consider it for launch ?

Why I am asking this ? because it doesn’t make sense to add that in a future patch. It’s like releasing a car, but adding the engine later on. It may not feels like that to you, but that’s how it feels to me and as a result I made this post. Simple. It’s really not rocket science to understand it.

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Nah its like releasing a car and then offering a spoiler as an accessory later on