HC 20th Anniversary Servers Need to Advance to TBC

HC needs to advance to TBC like the other 20th Anniversary Servers. Blizzard telling us what we do and don’t want is getting really old. Blizzard was wrong about Classic, then Blizzard was wrong about Hardcore and now Blizzard is wrong about HC TBC.

HC needs to be able to process to new content or Blizzard is going to eventually kill off the HC player base. If you don’t want to progress the existing server then give us the option to migrate our characters to a TBC HC server.

I’m not opposed as long as there is a cloning service

100 % with you both here. HC needs to have Era serv ers for 1-60 AND for TBC!

you all gonna die in citadel furnace or mana-tombs normal mode, or worst to a demon boar in the first tbc zone :rofl:

Contrary to popular belief, people do actually die in hardcore. It is part of the game after all.

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I think the reason they dont want to do it because of how less impactful the open world is in TBC compared to classic. 1-60 without dying is an accomplishment in its own right. 60-70 really isn’t that impressive because the open world just isnt that threatening.

Instead, it’s the dungeons that are much harder so it would be extremely easy to avoid them while leveling.

Then you have to look at the raids. Nobody except the very top players who practice on private servers will be capable of clearing everything without deaths along the way, let alone wipes. T4 is easy mode, but T5 in particular is extremely punishing with trash packs that are more dangerous than any level 60 raid boss.

So really, they could do TBC and it would be fine for the most part, but I think it would get stale pretty quickly once guilds start losing people the minute they walk into T5 and people don’t want to go 1-70 again.

… but playing Draenei as HC is so much fun!

So please let us have TBC Hardcore servers too!

I dont disagree. I’m just playing devil’s advocate on this one. If they’re releasing TBC classic again I think they might as well offer a HC server, but I expect a lot of dungeon deaths.

You’re probably right, but I could not tell as in Classic 2019 and TBC Classic (and a bit into Wrath Classic) I did the IronMan Challenge - which means no stat gear, and also no dungeons. I’d really love to do TBC on an official HC server this time around.