See those nerfs? Yeah Anduin definitely dies Tuesday. Probably Lords too. I’ll bet my gold on it.
Watch this boss go down.
Call me a prophet because the boss died and I called it.
Dreadlords down. Two bosses in one week, let’s go.
We eat the RyeBreadgalon tonight!
Need DPS and a Tank!!!
Still trying to grab an enhance, more ranged and a tank!!!
We destroyed Rye so hard that it’s considered a crime. Locked in Jailer prison now for the foreseeable future.
Still looking for a Boomkin/Warlock and an Enhance shaman! Tanks welcome to apply too!
Still on the search for a warlock/boomkin and enhance!!!
Jailer gonna be deadzo very soon! Get EXCITED!
Added you on bnet. 277 mm hunter 274 boomkin. 271 demo/destro lock. 274 prot pali. Tried app. Couldnt get it to work.
Jailer dies this week! Looking for Boomkins and enhance shaman!!!
Jailer is dead, and we’re out of prison. Looking for new faces going into S4 and DF!
Looking for more players as we prepare for S4 and DF onwards!
hi, are u guys looking for a ret pally?
Hey! Ret paladin is not a class/spot we are looking to recruit.
You gotta want it SO BAD you’re willing to defecate glass!
Returning CE Player LF Competitive Guild Look forward to speaking if interested. Thanks
Feel free to apply using our google form found at the end of our post, as per our process. (Mind the space)