Havoc will not get buffed. Practice radical acceptance and accept this fact

It has more to do the design of the other classes.

Take druid - the benefits they get from their chosen secondary stats far outweighs anything that havoc gets. Versatility would need to increase our damage by about 3 fold to be useful.

The night fae covenant is incredibly powerful - yet comparatively venthyr or Kyrian are lack lustre in the grand scheme of things.

Legendary wise, chaotic blades or whatever is a chance to proc, every 10 seconds, but what do we do in the meantime, hit demons blades, and resource cap ourselves on the off chance we can do chaos strike spamming or do we just go in on eyebeam and one every 30 seconds get a double whammy of eye beam damage, where Druid legendaries actually help the synergy of the builds.

The problem with demon hunter is nothing works well, the builds are crap, soul binds are pitiful, abilities are under powered, our cool downs are excessively long and leave us feeling useless.

Good thing I’ve unsubscribed, set Battle.net not to start up and giving this pile of crap up for good. Life’s too short to do stuff that gives no joy.


If havoc dh could get one or two more single target abilites along with the first blood talent baked into blade dance I think we would be at an ok place. But we all know thats to much for the design teams brains to implement as they keep doing lazy aura buffs thinking its going to fix everything, what a joke. I wish someone could just give them a swift kick in the arss for us all to maybe just give them a brain check

In pvp, I just hang back and target someone who is less than 50% health, use the hunt, then get the heck out before I get killed. The rest of the time I run away.

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For damage, sure. But we don’t have much in the way of utility/CC either. Rogue damage honestly isn’t that spectacular either, but they have a ton of CC and strong burst. The class really needs more utility for group settings too otherwise we’d still be benched for another class that has similar damage but is more flexibile in whichever comp.

looooool i havent laughed at a comment like this one in a long time thats hilarious