Tested many arenas so far, Havoc feels more smooth.
Talents feel better in terms of damage, however survivalbility still feels lackluster.
The below ideas should be considered to improve this issue (by implementing at least 1 of them):
Mortal Wounds talent removed and made baseline for Blade Dance. This allows Deflecting dance to be a talent option in itself for PvP, providing decent survivalbility.
Blur being able to have 2x charges and a 1:50 min (90s) CD. This allows for similar overall uptime of Blur, slightly more, but a better way of not running out of defensive CDs too fast.
Blur being increased to a 25% reduction and / or being 50s CD baseline.
Please consider implementing one of the above changes. Havoc is very close to feeling good again for PvP, just a few nudges in the right direction are required.
Agreed. The damage is certainly there.
I would like Blur to reduce damage by 30% and Netherwalk to either be a 2 min cd and/or not be able to get cc’d.
Both abilities feel like memes sometimes.
they need to bring our leech back up and give us a soul leech mechanic from leech and soul fragments like warlock has.
damage is great but needs adjusted to be less damage during shatter windows (essence break/inertia) and more damage on blade dance and chaos strike/death sweep and annihilation by default.
Feint 2 charges, 15 seconds cooldown 20% damage reduction duration 6 seconds,
Blur 1charge, 60 second cooldown 20 % damage reduction duration 10 seconds
2 charges of BLUR, that is GOD SEND, blessing from the lord for the community of DH. I rather take 2 charges of BLUR of 20% damage reduction over 25-30% damage reduction.
Blurr needs to be 35%DR baseline like in Legion or get 2 charges at 90secs, if they’re worried about it being too OP on Aldrachi then they can just replace our bad defensive talents with these options in the Fel-Scar tree.
havoc is not one of the favored big 3 for pvp. we do not get special treatment good sir.
Remember in shadowlands the covenant tree would drop blur to i think a 40 second cd? Think that would be nice.
But my issue is usually blur isn’t a big enough defensive and I’m usually using another CD right after or in tangent.
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Any class in wow pvp feels squishy
- Mages
- Warlocks
- Shadow priests
- Sub rogue
- Warrior.
Thematically you think that be the list for the most squishiest except warrior lol.
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biggest annoyance atm is having to burn eye beam sometimes to keep cycle of hatred up. extremely annoying in pvp situations where you have downtime like in blitz/regular bgs. would be really nice if the timer didn’t tick away while you were waiting for respawn.
having a lot of fun w/illidans grasp though. i do a little trolling.
Imagine if blade dance still had 100% dodge
DHs need some stun protection. Played a rogue, feral, WW lobby yesterday. That sucked. Even when being proactive with DCDs I got munched.
They would have to nerf DPS to offset the defensive help if we are being objective. Otherwise DH would be OP. I’m super rusty on DH but was nuking people.
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I mean blurr does have a 80% dodge attached to it though in PvP lol. But I could also argue dodge is a joke vs 90% of the classes in current WoW.
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Hunters have infinite def CDs and CC
Paladins as well
Evoker has 2x strong walls, a cross-Atlantic shielding dash (Rescue), self heal, immunities to anything
The list goes on. Even Windwalkers have a bunch of CDs and can’t die outside a stun or if they don’t have port bound.
DH is like… 1 bad trinket you die
Healer refuses to trade CDs for you or eats CC, you Blur > Darkness (darkness turns out to give u bad RNG) > netherwalk anyway
then ur naked for like 1 minute
running is not a defensive CD for melees
Another good option is to make Glimpse dmg reduction remain for another 3 seconds after landing. This way you have a reliable window to outplay damage. Current Glimpse provides the wall for like 2 seconds, as that is the average time you’re in the air during Vengeful Retreat animation
yes maybe you’re some spacebar smashing god and made that into 3 seconds but that is not the point here
The above makes it closer to a short def CD such as Feint, Feign Death, Frenzied regen etc.
Sigils are the worst, imo. Too easy to miss, bad to aim, bad to control.
I’d rather have alternatives for them. A Mana Burn of sorts for ranged, turning Chaos Strike and Demon’s Bite/ D. Blades aoe, etc. That kind of stuff.
Soul frags should be a resource, like combo points. Can be stored up to 10. Add a skill out of globals that can be cast as many times as you want to consume of frags and heal.
As for defensives, yea, unreliable at least.
Darkness is similar to Sigils. Should stick to the DH, not get dropped onto the floor. Its benefits should increase the less players are in so it can be properly used a lone DH.
Netherwalk is just crappy Divine Shield. Either make it a full immune like DS or allow us to act freely. Also, get rid of the cc/global restriction.
Perhaps devs should consider allowing DHs to parry or just dodge spells too.
I still think the 100% dodge for one sec should make a come back.
Funny enough glimpse used to work this way kinda! It would give us a mini blurr on use, I prefer that version haha
If I see a DH use BLUR, I instantly think, why bother ? and DPS through it. That’s how sad it is in its current state.
I know right… it really needs defensive buffs… I saw someone suggest 1.5min cd but two charges of blurr at 30% dr and think that would be nice… lol
60% in stuns with the new PVP talent.
Being a rogue is great rn