Havoc DH or move on?

I was thinking I’d main monk, but I always end up looking at my DH thinking maybe this season I’ll pick it back up. How is Havoc Feeling? Just looking for a broad opinion from DH mains. Looking to do M+, Raiding and PVP

If all you do is PvE, you’re likely in a fine spot. If you want to pvp? Play literally anything else. They did nothing to solve the main crippling problem with DH this patch.

What is the main crippling problem?

All I’m going to say applies to PvE only, no idea about PvP.

The movement playstyle in general feels better. VR into Felblade has simplified stuff a lot and environmental awareness isn’t as required anymore. The Cycle changes even though they didn’t remove friction, it’s also a change in the good direction.

However, Aldrachi Reaver is meta and not by a little, it’s extremely ahead in every scenario you can think of. That hero tree is the epitome of atrocious design on virtually everything it brings.

  • RNG on soul spawns. If you are not able to keep Reaver’s Mark due to bad RNG on souls, the DPS loss is considerable and everything slows down. If you’ve played Havoc in previous expansions, this is exactly the same issue that Cycle of Hatred had before DF.
  • Extremely annoying to proc and sync buffs/debuffs. Namely Thrill of the Fight and Reaver’s Mark. The first only triggers after completing a full AR combo, which is at least 3 GCDs. In AoE you have to finish the combo with Blade Dance, which means that in order to get Death Sweep in your burst combo, you have to at least spend 2 GCDs with other stuff after triggering Thrill of the Fight (20% damage amp).
  • Reaver’s Mark is extremely annoying for any target swaps. While it’s true that thanks to the reworked Wounded Quarry the pain of target swapping has been diminished, it’s still a massive sore spot. Not to mention you require practically 100% uptime of this debuff or else your soul generation will be severely impacted. Reminds a lot of Nemesis and Sinful Brand, both things that were a bane of the spec in Legion and Shadowlands respectively.

The spec is extremely strong right now, however we are still using the S1 tier set and it was among the strongest in that season. In S2, things will change as our tier is one of the weakest. Once dust settles God knows where Havoc is going to land.

So yeah, take your choice depending on that. If you like AR, keep playing Havoc. If you don’t, you’re better looking elsewhere.


Lack of defensives. DH is extremely easy to shut down in pvp, especially since two of your main dps boosts require movement to use.
Blur is awful at 20% and 50% dodge for how long of a CD it has, Darkness is even worse. 15-30% miss chance in a tiny area on a 5 minute CD is god awful. Then you got Netherwalk, which doesn’t make you immune to CC, so you pop it and you’re still not going anywhere.


My anxiety :disappointed: oh you mean the class?

Good explanation.

Thanks y’all for the replies. TBH been loving DH despite its downfalls. I should be ready to grind season 2. While I’m prepping for this next season ( season 2 TWW ), I found myself in Legion doing the class hall quests. I’ve been getting my tmog’s along with class mount.

Fun stuff. Reaver’s rotation took some getting used to but its a blast once you get it down.