If you’re losing to a dh in the current season your issue might be between the keyboard and chair
The only people that die to DH in PvP either don’t have gear or know you can defeat them with 1 stun, snare, or root.
or maybe you’re not a good DH?
maybe for you playing the best melee in the game by a country mile, ret is just playing the game on easy mode atm in all content
Yeah, next season maybe… not now though, you were acting like it is… now lol
it’s still strong at the moment just not reflected in arena logs because it was quite late in season with those incremental buffs they got over time just for the record I don’t hate DH playing DH is some of the most fun I’ve had in wow but that period in DF will always haunt my dreams when it was just DH everywhere 2 shotting people lol