Havoc DH needs more

I want more meaningful changes. Most of our changes since TWW beta have been number adjustments, the best changes we’ve gotten so far is an extra skill point to work with and the glaive talent coming in 11.1. Otherwise it’s just damage compensation for AMN removal ect. But I was hoping for more, like making blurr 30% dr baseline and reworking the talent desperate instincts to allow you to blurr when stunned if you take it. That would offer an actual choice between that and netherwalk. And speaking of netherwalk I feel like it should be immune to roots and snares while active. We need an actual class root break as well. I’d also like a rework on darkness, it should be 3mins baseline and follow you around. And our damage shouldn’t be balanced around essence break windows, remove this or rework it. Oh and let’s not forget having to choose between a defensive or a mortal strike, like why? I could go on, but these are just a few thoughts I have coming from a PvP perspective. I know it’s probably silly because at this point I doubt anything will happen, but a guy can dream lol.


Wait until you find out the compensation is not nearly enough, lol.


Both specs are really, really bad right now.


i really, REALLY can’t stress how much i don’t want darkness to follow the DH (at least for PvE). Don’t get me wrong, I understand why people ask for this but please try to think of other ways to improve it instead. This specific problem with darkness is we have to move, and both VR and fel rush are significantly larger than the size of darkness so you can’t even use those abilities without going out of darkness and taking extra damage. If darkness follows you though and you use those abilities, now everyone else who was standing in your darkness is taking extra damage just so you can do more damage. The same would happen if there is an overlap of AoE damage and swirlies that you are trying to dodge, you step to the left and now the people that are on the right of the darkness are looking rough. It would just lead to bad DHs baiting the party/raid into thinking there is a group defensive that is suddenly even less predictable than darkness already is, because now the DH might just run off with it. Good DHs could absolutely hold their damage to not suddenly reposition the darkness while also moving it with the group as needed for mechanics, but i think when people were saying “they could easily make a support spec for dh” they weren’t thinking of turning havoc into one by making us hold damage for group defensives.

In my opinion a better option would be to give the DH an upgrade like prot pally’s “Sanctuary” talent or the 2nd half of DK’s “Cleaving Strikes”, which lets them keep the benefits of consecration / death and decay for a few seconds after stepping out of it. I can see why it might be better in PvP to have it just flat out follow you, because if you are chasing someone down then i would assume your teammates would want to stick with you and also the darkness, but imo if something would be bait in PvE but good in PvP then it should be a PvP talent.


I’d be happy if they at least reduced the cooldown to 3 minutes baseline honestly…

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Best they can do is yet another immolation aura damage boost.


They did more than that finally… but I still want QoL and defensive buffs!

New Darkness buff! Now it’s got a CD of 4.5 minutes! Much value.

Agreed brother more defensive changes!


Sadly that would still be a buff :sweat_smile:

remove/nerf essence break and inertia. make the class simpler and more fun. stop listening to the fel hammer mods/guidewriters feedback and havoc will shine again.

even Bellular is pointing out that havoc has been pretty much dead or dying since SL when the new fel hammer crew began forcing this garbage playstyle down our throats.


i dont see where bellular mentioned anything about the felhammer mob cabal

but you certainly have a nack for making any positive points you have turn into slop for this hate wood


Calm down about the discord :joy: at least we got some buffs finally but I do agree with the removal or rework maybe of essence break ect. We could use some cleaning up in terms of the amount of damage buffs we have, would be better to just baseline most of it lol

no but all the things he mentioned are exactly what the cord advocates against. not even a day later they were pulling comments of people from the video and poking fun at people wanting a different havoc that was more akin to legion and bfa. they are the problem, quit strawmanning Arahgon. I know you hate havoc but logging onto your crappy alt to hide and derail is kind of pathetic.

why when they are the direct problem. they are the biggest contribution to steering the ship in the directs that has clearly pushed havoc to being a dead spec from where it once was. let alone it being in the horrible state it is now.

exactly. remove inertia and maybe exergy. remove/heavily nerf essence break and buff annihilation and deathsweep to compensate. class is infinitely better.

If you truly believe a discord has some warped control over a class you are drinking some kool aid. Not the members of the discord fault that the talents in a mover build are better than no-mover builds. Its bad tuning on the devs part. If there was a truly better build that didn’t require moving or even if the builds were equal in some form chances are a no mover build would be preferred.

I’m not a fan of any of those abilities and how they work. However with the changes to them in 11.1 inertia and exergy will be easier to use. Essence break is unfun, window is too small. It needs a rework on how the ability works and not a nerf.

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or a nerf so more of our damage is in our base kit and not some dumb talent. but yes it is the issue.

you clearly do not read the cord as they actively advocate for mover and essence break while posting screencaps and flaming anyone who wants a change to something simpler and user friendly. this is why I blame the cord. not to mention they admit to having on and off contact with realz. that coupled with them circle jerking about how amazing essence break is and how anyone who disagrees is just bad is the issue. they do not represent the majority of this community, but instead mock and push for ideas no one likes.

people literally got lobbed from the cord during the DF rework for advocating for a different playstyle than what we have now. much like what happens in the veng section when anyone goes against the moderator approve narrative.

while i agree the devs are making mistakes and a whole other issue, the fel hammer and the people who run it ontop of our community figure heads are the main source of input and outspoken input they take. you not seeing this just shows how clueless and uninformed you are.

hopefully Bellulars video sheds some light to the issue on how havoc has suffered in SL till now and the one main constant is this short essence break shatter window crap that no one asked for and clearly no one likes.

you mean the comments that kept on screaming that dh was already meta and it should stay dead? those comments? or the comments that wanted a 2 button playstyle back. im sorry you enjoyed shadowlands havoc a bit to much and cant handle the spec being something more than 2 button borrowed power spam

we still get those comments and always will. even when the spec became more involved.
everyone just hates DH and always has because its cool too. like yourself Arahgon.

never said that.

literally makes no sense but havoc isnt hard even now. its just high risk with no reward. and unfun. anyone thinking the current iteration is remotely tough is cooked. you literally can afk until your essence break/inertia combo is up and do bonkers numbers during your 4 second window until you go back to tank levels of output. most of the community just wants consistency.

furthermore, non of you clowns have addressed the glaring issue that was made in the video and by people like myself and others. havoc has had a MASSIVE drop of in play. and the evidence is now clearly obvious and apparent. people still didnt like it and continued to walk away from havoc during DF season 3 when it was very good. and again I say, the crowd who likes the current playstyle of havoc now is the minority. period.

but keep trolling Arahgon and derailing threads with your obvious anti DH bias. go back to your fotm faesroll rat paladin my dude.

Back to topic, DH needs defensive buffs badly. Are we the squishiest melee? I literally drop over in keys it’s ridiculous.


Cany you link to or give me a date/time to corroborate this? I am on the DH discord and don’t recall seeing this.