Hello all,
With all the hype surrounding this patch I am returning to WoW after a well needed break from the game. I am currently LF a Raid team to join because all of the people I played with quit around the same time I did and they have not come back. I am not someone that only gets on for raids I am very active at all different times and I LOVE running keys and as a washed up Glad I still enjoy PvP as well. Before I took my break my parses I would say were good all orange and purple. And yes I have AoTc from the first raid tier but for me and the team I would be looking to join I want to be pushing cutting edge every raid tier. Another little thing about me im a very social person and I like to joke and have a good time while playing this game so if you are a super serious team that does not take well to people joking in coms I may not be for you and I am cool with that. With that being said though I am not saying im going to be joking around during a pull while everyone is trying to focus but in between I try to keep it funny to keep everyone in good spirits. If you have any other questions or concerns or need my logs from the first tier feel free to hit me up on bnet and ill be glad to talk and if not thanks for reading anyways.
btag: Cryptic#1819