Just like the title says, I’m a havoc looking to join a mythic raid guild on Bleeding Hollow. I’m currently an officer in a 2/10M guild but have gotten frustrated with the lack of attendance and interest in raiding from my current guild. Our core has been together since Ny’alotha where we were 10/12M and these are my friends that I love playing with, but I feel like it’s time for me to move on. I was hesitantly thrust into an officer position after some of our old leadership quit due to IRL, but I have no interest in being an officer or gm. I just want to show up and kill some bosses with the boys.
I’m looking for a guild progressing with CE as the goal. I don’t mind competing for my spot or being benched on bosses. I like doing m+ with the guild and would be down to push keys or join any push groups that wouldn’t mind bringing a havoc. I can raid pretty much any night of the week since I work during the day but starting at or after 9EST would be ideal. Keeping this brief since I’m sure recruiters read through tons of these posts but I’ve got my discord and btag at the bottom if you want to contact me in our out of game. Hmu on disc or in game if you have any questions or want to know anything else. Also since you can’t include links in these posts, I am Spiffy-BleedingHollow on Warcraftlogs and RaiderIO.
Discord: SuburbanHoodlum#3889
Battlenet: SneakyCheese#11802