Havoc dh lf my raid group long term established plz

441 soon to be 443 after i grind aspecs im looking for weekdays core without roster issues

Hey we are looking for a core HDH. Solid, consistent group. Need top performers.

Hey kollow
Midnight Mutiny is on Sargeras. We are always looking for late night gamers!

Our raid times are
Tuesday/Wednesday - Mythic Team 4/9M
Thursday - Heroic Team 9/9H

10:30pm - 1:30am PST (1:30am - 4:30am EST)

BTag: Fhatee#1821 or Discord: fhatee

looking still :slight_smile:

Hey Kollow! Hit me up I’d love to talk. We have a 1 night a week AOTC team and a 2 night mythic. Looking to have a RBG night as well. Fun to be had by all in M+ Raids end around 11:30pm EST at the latest.
Btag Belle#1386
Discord bellenoire

Hi, You dont’ mention what times you play, we are a west coast guild and raid between 8:30=10:30 PST on wed/thur and then there are key groups the rest of the week from about 7-1am pst. I will leave our guild info and see if you are interested. we don’t currently have a DH on our raid team and would like to add one.


Feral Tendencies could be purrfect for you

We are a late night AoTC raiding guild on Proudmoore. We also have many social members and just love to run keys most non raid nights.

We storm the castles 8:30-10:30pm PST on Wed /Thur. 8/9H currently.

What we do

Sshhh, it’s a secret.

  • Raid with our friends.
  • Keys - lots of keys, these guys might be obsessed.
  • Shenanigans! Sarcasm and jokes are our love language.
  • Help with logs, builds, gearing, learning raids and dungeons.
  • Share pics of our furry overlords.
  • Lots of cat videos.

What we want

We are welcoming to all.

  • New players wanting to learn.
  • Returning players catching up on what they missed in the last expansions.
  • Tag along family members who just want to hang and be social.
  • Like minded people who enjoy the game and want to have fun doing it.

We are adults with lives, jobs, and/or kids so we respect your time and that things might come up from time to time.

What we need

Catnip, lots of catnip.

Looking for a Healer, Mage, Druid, DH

How to reach us

Get a laser pointer and shoot.

Reply here or find me on:
Discord: Vellsong#2067
Battlenet: Prettykitty#1597
(yes that is what I get for letting the husband set up my account:)

Do you have a discord or btag that we can get in touch with you to potentially chat about a tues/thurs 3/9mythic guild?

444 now looking still

Hey there, I’m from Special Friends on Proudmoore. We’re 5/9M, working on Zskarn and could use a demon hunter. Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 PM EST to Midnight.

Contact me at:
.dreade on Discord
Dreade#1346 on Bnet.

Or our GM
arrib on Discord
Arriv#1535 on Bnet

Hey - my guild is recruiting a HDH for our AOTC/Mythic prog roster. AOTC every tier and while we are not CE focused, we plan on going into mythic while keeping a casual and chill environment. Even though we aim for a casual raiding environment we do expect our raiders to keep up with basic raider things such as show up prepared, be gemmed, enchanted, know fights, etc…

As a guild we’ve Progressed to AOTC VotI 2/8M, and AOTC Aberrus.

Raid times: Monday and Wednesday, 7pm to 10pm PST.

Discord: bresei#4676
Bnet: bresei#1157

Discord: Grum#9775
Bnet: Grum#11774


BroRanger#1533 hit me up. no roster issues, we are looking for a DH

^ what broranger said

Hey, you’ll make a great fit, let’s chat?
Sun/Mon 6-9PM (PST)
Discord: Gnomez4life#5699
BNET: Gnomez4life#1101

Hey there! IF you still looking hit me up on discord HotnHordy#9685