Havoc Demon Hunter Healing?

I am looking to play a havoc demon hunter i created a few years back. Looking at the healing - it’s a potion or shattered souls (which “sometimes” happen when you kill a mob) from dead mobs. so if you don’t have small mobs to kill when fighting a big mob - you have a potion with a 5 minute cooldown timer? Any seasoned Havoc hunters out there who know?

Learn to play Vengeance! :smiley: That’s what I did.

Switching between Havoc and Vengeance is very straightforward. No gear changes are necessary.

Learning Vengeance enough to handle Rare-Elites solo is not hard. I’m not personally fond of Vengeance, because I don’t like the SIgil mechanic, it REALLY doesn’t feel as dynamic as Havoc, and I feel silly just jumping up and down in place.

Despite that, I got comfortable enough with it in half an hour to use it in World content.

For a single Rare-Elite:

  • I put Fiery Brand on the target, and Infernal Strike to jump in.

  • I immediately hit my Immolation Aura and Sigil of Flame as I am in range.

  • From here, it’s build/spend with Fracture, Soul Cleave, and Spirit Bomb.

  • Fel Devastation, Metamorphosis, and The Hunt as cooldowns.

I’m sure a real VDH would explain why this is crude and wrong, but it’s good enough for World Quests and Delves!

i can try Vengeance. I am not set on anything. I just kept hearing havoc and thought that was the one to play. I will try that. Thank you for the help and feedback!

Havoc generally IS the one to play, for questing around the world, and maybe in Delves. It also has a great role in Dungeons and Raids.

It’s not that you’re giving up on Havoc. You will probably still be playing it 95% of the time.

Just consider Vengeance a new tool in your toolbox that is specialized for grinding down big Elites. It’s slower, but MUCH harder to kill! Just pull it out and use it when necessary.

Think of Havoc as a car, and Vengeance as a bulldozer. You don’t want to drive to work in a bulldozer, but it comes in handy when there’s a wall in your way!

As a Demon Hunter, you have both available, so why not take advantahe of them?

havoc is not in a very good state right now, there hasn’t been any changes for the past year and the new changes for 11.1 are all bugged.

that being said, Gráinne more or less outlined what you need to press as vengeance. even as a tank, veng dh are more squishy than other tanks as we do not have “proper” damage reduction, so you will need to get familiar with the veng toolkit to actively react and counter mob behavior.

demon spikes and sigil of flame with illuminated sigil increase parry chances, so you need to rely on fiery brand to reduce the damage affected mobs deal to you. be sure to take Burning Alive and Charred Flesh, as they spread and prolong the duration of fiery brand. infernal armor turns immolation aura into a small defensive (+20% armor) so keep it on cd.

you will also want to takes chains, silence, and fear sigil to juggle mobs, all 3 would interrupt spell casts, with chains and fear interrupting the non-interruptible casts.

for hero talents go Fel-Scarred.

there is a small rotation to optimize dps but the basis is that fiery brand cause you to deal more fire damage to the affected target. so before going ham with fire damaging spells, make sure you have a healthy amount of fury and spells are off cd. setup with Felblade > Fiery Brand > Immolation Aura, then proceed to unload every other fire spell to do damage.