I’ve been duoing them with my buddy on his Evoker. I’ve got 3 616 vault choices from delves this week, so we’ve done at least 8 T8bountiful delves… I’ve also done a bunch on my Fury war, and a handful on my rogue. We stopped at T8 cause we’re just trying to prep for M+.
Honestly… we’ve been getting them done but I don’t really enjoy them. I want to… and I LOVE having content me and my buddy can duo w/o finding a whole group.
But they just feel super inconsistent to me. Like sometimes I’m fine with a couple mobs beating on me, then bran will throw his rock own and I get absolutely BLASTED…
Or like, I’ll drop my squid ink to stop incoming damage, and spells/aoes will still absolutely violate me. I have to go out of my way to not use Fel-rush a lot of the times because there just isn’t safe space or I don’t feel safe doing it.
Sometimes when I meta, I literally can’t see some ground effects under my character, and I’ll get bonked by those brown floor spikes… or I’ll fel rush at the exact moment the boss starts channeling his big AOE whirlwind and just get instagibbed.
I think Havoc has some really strong moments in these, the leech comes in huge to help not die. We have some nice utility – but stuns not putting spells on CD makes a lot of that utility feel kinda pointless. Like when the little aoe fear dudes start casting… not much point in stopping them, might as well just move and let them cast.
Our mobility feels like a blessing and a curse. It’s really easy to just die while trying to Fel Rush to get inertia up. Finding the right windows to Eye Beam can be a bit frustrating when you’re duoing, cause you don’t want to make your buddy wait inbetween every pull… so a lot of the times you’re trying to save Immolation Aura/Sigil to line up with Eye Beam and your damage profile looks pretty sad… but then when you can line them all up on a pack it feels pretty good as long as they don’t 100-0 you during eye beam.
I’m lucky cause my healer buddy is kind of a god, so he’s usually on point for saving my bacon even when I’m nearly getting one-two shot a lot of the times. I do think there are some scaling/inconsistency issues… and whatever they did the other day really made running these feel a lot worse.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the inertia rotation. I love how engaging it is. But it almost never feels safe to use, and doing it correctly is basically just competitive damage.
My buddy on his evoker in his healer spec, frequently beats me on damage on a lot of pulls, cause it’s just not safe to deal my damage… and that feels absolutely awful. We’ve had multiple times where I’ve gotten 1shot and then he just solo’d 50% of a boss fight like it was no big deal… and honestly that made me want to alt f4 lmao. I was happy for him being good but it made me feel like pretty useless.
One of the other things I’m feeling harshly in these delves – I have multiple 30-40 second CDs to line up, and a 4-10 second window to optimize my damage output. The tolerances for that are pretty tight… and on top of that, it’s super risky to do with all the things to avoid. So I’m frequently having to miss out on damage to not kill myself on things.
It kinda feels like I’m playing these things on hard mode. I’m all for the challenge I guess, but it is a bit demoralizing.
I’m loving Havoc from a playstyle standpoint, but I also feel like I’m having to sweat a great deal more for the same performance as other classes at a much higher risk without much reward for it.
I know I could use the low mover spec and all that, but I really do love the core rotation of the inertia spec. I don’t know how they go about fixing it. I know this is prolly just a skill issue on my end, so I’m trying to improve. It is a bit disheartening though.
TL;DR I’m getting them done… but they’ve felt really inconsistent to me… and while I want to love them dearly I think if I could get the same rewards from M0’s I’d probably rather be doing those since they’re a little more consistent feeling – though I have a lot of similar issues with Havoc in general in terms of feeling like the game is just way harder to play Havoc than most other specs.
Also as a side note, I have been getting absolutely violated on RNG. I’ve gotten like 3 cloaks, 2 bad trinkets, some bad rings, and a bad belt out from my coffer keys. That’s probably been the worst part. My buddy has gotten like 4 hidden chests, and super lucky on almost every piece he’s gotten. It’s been pretty troll. Hopefully the vault is nicer to me. I just used them to upgrade my old gear for just valor*stones cause I’m trying to keep my secondaries in shape.
I mostly just play it cause it’s fun, and hopefully my friends think it’s funny when they see my corpse sailing across the room like a fel skidmark.